KCI Pure Gold and the benefits

Hi Guys just wanted to share my new love for the majic of pure gold interconnects. Ive been through the paces of tring different mid to high grade interconnects in my system and finally tried pure gold. Now the price does vary significantly from pure gold cable to pure gold cable, I picked up the KCI and have really loved what gold did for my modest system compared to pure silver, flat ribbon and tons of different copper. I have read the white papers about silver being a better conductor and even some on why gold is more pleasing to the ear. I feel that gold is more coherent top to bottom than silver but noticed many of my audio friends are using silver still. What is the general feeling and use here amongst guys with the high end of equipment? Are you using gold and does it get even better with higher end equipment?
i've e-mailed both geared4me and edulcesol directly with the components that make up my system.i don't want to bog down the thread.
Not every component works in everyone's system, nothing more nothing less in Don's post to me than that....my experience with the Silkworm's was different....to each their own....
2007 was my year for vetting cables. Most of the usual suspects in this price range, generally well thought of cables. I got off the cable go-round after I tried the Silkworms. The Silkworms are the best cables I have ever had in/for my system. (2 pairs now) (and confirmed by "she who can hear better than I")
I think this really boils down to what Mr. Smuck and a few others have said; it's a matter of synergy as well as being system dependent. If Mr. Park doesn't like the sound of the cables that is perfectly understandable.

Mr. Park has told me that some people are emailing him and calling him "childish and vulgar names". Lets not do that ok? I greatly appreciate everyones support(lots of emails!) but lets let this man have his say. As more and more of my cables get out there there is bound to be some who won't like them, and as much as I hate to see that it is inevitable.

Thanks to everyone!!

Were you ever able to speak to any curent users of the Pegasus digital cable?
