Why power cable effect overall syste sound?

Power cables effect the system sound. This is a well-known fact. My question is why.. specially in case of low power type "A" amplifiers where current is constant. In my single ended 300B the cable creates huge difference. Does it points on power supply PSRR issue? Actually in case of well designed power supply, the power cable should not introduce any improvement. We are spending hundreds of dollars for the 1 meter of cable from outlet to IEG socket where meters of cheap wires running in the walls and it does work. The answer on this question is puzzling me.

I applaud you joining and participating in this thread. I find your comments extremely helpful and wish that there was more participation from industry to help clear the air for your (manufacturer) point of view.

I have no affiliation with, nor do I own any Shunyata products.

Thank you for your reply. I understand you notice a difference related to installation of aftermarket cords, and that the difference is universally not "better" in your opinion compared with stock power cords. What I think I was trying to say, is that I find a more consistent positive benefit from using aftermarket power cords on digital front ends, but find amplifiers a bit more finicky. I almost always notice an effect with aftermarket cords on sound produced by amplifiers, but just not always a "better" effect, as you suggest. Sounds like you feel the same way about aftermarket cords in all applications. Point well made and taken.

The rest of my post was not really aimed at you, and if you took offense, then I apologize. For the record, I value the effect aftermarket power cords can have on overall system performance, I find that effect is not universally positive in every application, and that care must be taken to match the characteristics of the specific cords and electronics in question. I know of no other method than to use trial and error, or rely on others experience, often gained from forums like this.

As both a consumer of commercial aftermarket products and an amateur tinkerer making my own cords I am fascinated by simple or complex explanations for how they actually work their "magic". People who are not interested in understanding this effect and post their positions on here are taking up electronic real estate and perceived by me as a waste of my time. Do they have a right to post here? Absolutely. Do I have to like it? Not one bit. Your comments do not fall into this camp, are well reasoned and add to my overall understanding of the topic. Again, thanks.
...all Doubting Thomas's sound the same...

Hif et al: don't go away mad, just go away
Bob_bundus, Apparently you have not been paying attention. This has nothing to do with being a "Doubting Thomas".
Even though this is a debate, it can still be an enjoyable debate without rude comments. I have noticed the rude comments are coming from the group who are the believers in the fact that these after-market power cords have actually improved their system. If you realize a true system improvement then there should be a certain level of confidence in the debate. Instead it seems the debate is fueled by doubt and buyer's remorse.
When exotic speaker wire first came on the market I told a friend about the improvement it make in my system. He laughed and said "right, it just speaker wire". I was not offended by his comments because knew what I heard.
I didn't need a technical explanation why it sounded better. I still don't care if it is 99.9999 pure oxygen free copper or silver coated copper or pure silver. I don't care what the dialectric is made of, if somebody froze it or if the spades were connected with some special solderless method. I don't care if it is multple strands or solid core. I don't care what the gauge is or if the jacket is pink or purple. Well, I might care if it is pink.
All I care about is if it sounds good in my system. And if it does sound good in my system, there is no guarantee it will sound good in yours.