Which purist interconnect??

Hi, My related equipment is Music Reference RM9 MKll,
Audio Research sp9 mklll with GNSC ref. mod and Aethetix
Rhea with GNSC ref. mod. So I need two sets of interconnects. I am currently using Cardas Golden Ref.
My budget is not unlimited, perhaps in the range of the Cardas Cable.
All of the cables I mentioned were considered "warm" or relaxed cables by what I researched and from my own experience with them. The Cardas and the Fusion have this liquid smooth sound to them with great detail, good low end information and a general relaxed presentation. The PAD Aqueous are also a relaxed presentation, but they seem to be thicker in tonal character within my setup. They're less on imaging/detail (though still great in that regard), more on midrange and low end information and giving a general analog like sound in my particular setup. The PAD cables still have sparkle, still give you information, depth of soundstage, etc., but the general thing they impart is this broader, more analog/natural presentation to instruments, drums, vocals, etc. This is with tube gear though, I can't vouch for them on solid state gear.

In the end, a lot of this is nit picking perhaps. All of the cables I've mentioned are great and very close in personality, but it seems the PAD cables were more different than alike to the others (the Cardas, the Taras, Fusion, etc.)
The pad cables are closest to the Kubala Sosna cables. Warm, rich, big soundstage, holographic. A little laidback.
Its really difficult to go back to other cables once you try the pad cables.
They are also very refine sounding.
Though I have used and still own the very fine Cardas Golden Reference tonearm cable, once I acquired the Purist Proteus Provectus tc, I had no desire to go back. The combined comments of Mb9061 and Nolitan pretty much tell it like it is with the Purist sound. Mb's use of the phrases, "thicker in tonal charcter" and "broader, more analog/natural presentation to instruments" describes perfectly my perception of the PPP. I'll put it this way: As much as I enjoyed the Cardas, I was well aware I was listening to reproduced music in my home. With the Proteus Provectus, there are numerous times when I feel as if I am in a concert hall, hearing a live presentation.