What's improved the most?

A simple question that has often been the subject of debate: if we were to take the various components that contribute to music reproduction, the actual recording, then the turntable/CD player, cartridge, cabling, amplifier, and finally the speakers, then which of these components have improved the most over, say, the last forty years?
Or, another way of putting it: suppose we could assemble a 'super-system' from each of the last four decades, what would the difference be?
To be frivolous, I would say things are potentially more expensive than ever before, but if we eliminate the systems for the uber-rich, what would the results be?
In my opinion, the greatest improvements have been the design and quality of specific components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors (especially transistors), cabling, speaker driver technology and speaker cabinetry design along with better electrostatic design. I think the amps and pre-amps back in the day were actually very good. But, replace the poorer quality resistors, capacitors, coils transistors and possibly tubes and the amps and pre-amps would do very well today. The speaker driver technology and actual speaker design is much better today. The recording technology and methods in the 50's and 60's for especially classic Jazz is night and day better than today, in my opinion. except for a few specific recording companies. The transistors of old really couldn't handle the power requirements, frequency ranges and bandwith requirements that the much more linear transistors of today can handle. I can't tell you how many older amps I have upgraded with much newer more linear pre-driver and driver transistors, rebiased them and put better heatsinking on them and wow!
I think the advent of really good power conditioners has made a big difference.
Wires of all types!

- Copper is now at very pure levels
- Silver conductors are an option - gold alloy for the rich
- Shielding has improved - up to three shields on some interconnects
- cable design using difference conductor diameters & shapes
- cable geometries improve performance
- insulation now prevents corosion of conductors

Let's not forget the high quality items like
- silver/gold alloy solders
- connectors - RCA/IEC/Mains/Spades
- outlets

All contribute to the better performance of our beloved components