Finding a Power Cord that sounds great

There are so many Power cords out there it is mind boggling. I have tried quite a few of them. Here is what I have tried over the few years. JPS +, Kimber Kable Palladian, Cardas Golden reference, Shunyata Python Helix. They all had their pluses and minuses and I kept looking. Some I enjoyed more than others. I recently tried a BPT L9cT(advertised here on Audiogon) and was surprised at how good it was for such a reasonable price. Chris Hoff of BPT(great guy to work with by the way) made a special L9cT Power Cord with the new Furutech FI50 connectors recently. Wow! Now I thought this is something special. It imaged better that any of the other Power cords I had tried with a deeper and higher image than I had experienced before. It is still a fast cord with excellent transients and great bass but with a much bigger sound stage. Also the Furutech FI50's seem to give the sound a relaxed realistic character to instruments. Pianos especially sounded nice. I have heard the Furutech powerflux power cord was an excellent. It was slightly higher priced than what I wanted to pay for a power cord. It uses the F150 connectors. So trying the BPT cord with Fi50s was a nice find.
Anyone want to share their experiences with the best power cord they have used? I know some of this is system dependent. Has anyone tried a BPT power cord or a power cord with FI50 connectors? Just wanted to say I had a very good listening experience with BPT L9CT with Furutech FI50s.

My Equipment
Anthem D2
Theta Dreadnaught II
Naim CDx2
Kef reference 205s RL
Kef reference 204 center
Martin Logan descent Sub
PSB synch surrounds
Oyaide R1 outlets with Furutech covers
Coxhaus, can you tell me a bit more about the
Elrod EPS-2 power cord? What is the signature sound of this cord?
Lively, dark,neutral ect?
How these cords match up with your electronics and speakers is everything to whether you like the way they sound or not.
I found the BPT was a good match for my ear and equipment. They are fast with very good micro-detail. Still want to hear from everybody on their experience with different brands of cords. It is always good to know more about different brands.
I now have 5 Elrod power cords. I added Elrod power cords to my Sony 5400ES first. I then added one to my Joule Electra preamp. I now have added one to each of my Spectron monoblocks. I liked what they did to the sound. They create such a richer sound and a lot better bass with more layers in the sound stage. All the years gone by and I thought it would not make a difference. I was totally wrong. There are 2 flavors in the Elrod power cords. One is for amps and the other is for components. I have bought both.
Sherod, I see that mojo website is interesting on their power cord. Thanks for sharing.