Has anyone tried the Shunyata Diamondback PC?

Currently breaking-in 3 Shunyata power cords, I swapped them with PS Audio AC-3 cords. I have heard different opinions concerning this cord and would like some feedback from other users of this cord or what they have learned about it. The price of the cords was $125 each, about the most I can afford.
I tryed the Diamondback; it's an OK power cord for the money. You might want to try the Emotiva power cord; I think it will surprise you.
I use Shunyata Diamondback cords on all my source components and preamp. I use a Shunyata Coppperhead cord on my power amp. With the Shunyata cords, there is no background noise and the music seems to flow better. I also use Shunyata Guardian's for power supply filtering. A great bang for the buck and much better than cords costing double and triple the price (in my system).

I have not tried the Diamondbacks, but I have two old-model (lavender jacket from about nine years ago) Shunyata Sidewinder cables that can be had for around $125-$140 when they periodically crop up on Audiogon. I have used them with CD players, preamps and amps, all to good effect. Considering the price, to my ear they offer a surprising measure of the noise reduction and increased detail that Shunyata's more expensive cables provide. But they might not be for everyone. Your post spurred me to look at what people have said on audioreview.com, and there is a detailed review at the top of the list that I agree with. They are a touch forward, edgy and energetic, which I personally like.
I have posted previously on this cord.


Still using it and like it very much.