Has anyone tried the Shunyata Diamondback PC?

Currently breaking-in 3 Shunyata power cords, I swapped them with PS Audio AC-3 cords. I have heard different opinions concerning this cord and would like some feedback from other users of this cord or what they have learned about it. The price of the cords was $125 each, about the most I can afford.

Hello Ack,

I have no interest in dragging this into the usual bait and switch circular debate, so I'll address your comments and move on. If you want more info, feel free to e-mail or call.

I took the term "materially better" at its literal meaning. If the poster wanted to say "performance", I assume he would have. The word "Material" can only be twisted so much, even here.

>>>"Otherwise, take it as a challenge to provide measurements"<<<

Oh, that old dog. Actually, we have had obvious, compelling measurements for years but saw no need to expose them. We will be posting them soon. Not that this will end debate. It will only change the arguments of those who come here to argue and relieve their stress risk free.

>>>"I use your Sidewinder CXs in my Spectral system which offer absolutely no improvement over the stock,"<<<

You have a mixed system with a great many variables including a variety of other cable, power and filter elements of which the Sidewiinder is one.

Ask Rick Friar what his dealers say about our products matching to his electronics. Almost all Spectral dealers world wide also sell our power products together with Spectral because they match and perform well. Rick knows this. That your experience was not a positive one could relate to any number of variables. It's not worth trying to guess at here.

Once again, you use the older than dirt "miles of wire" saw horse. This means almost nothing in terms of effect on electronics immediate electrical connections and near-field power products impact on performance. I have posted about this before at some length.

And once again yes, you will see posted measurements that are definitive, peer reviewable and repeatable from us in less than one month. Not that this will satisfy those that like to use forums to criticize and argue. In fact, I'm sure they will only inspire more creative arguments from the arm-chair critic crowd.




You are correct about the connectors. We did not make schuko AC molds because at the time ('04) Europe was an emerging market and these cords have to be made in enormous runs to get decent pricing. I believe we will try to do this in the future but I cannot say when that will be exactly..

We have our less expensive wire manufactured in enormous runs so the wire cost is reasonable compared to the US labor that hand terminates these products. Certainly, as length exceeds 2m-3m the cost goes up but at the shorter lengths the wire length cost difference is secondary to the power cable hand-assembly cost. Paying close attention to open contact junctions and termination is part of the reason we believe our products perform well.

If you have other questions, or if I can help further please e-mail. I normally only participate to inform or correct misinformation.

if you want to drag Spectral into this conversation I suggest you first learn how to spell Rick's last name. Every time a manufacturer gets into these discussions all they end up doing is offering more of the same - nothing; the end result is that you drag your own company down with unsubstantiated claims. So I eagerly await your test results.


You are correct about the connectors. We did not make schuko AC molds because at the time ('04) Europe was an emerging market and these cords have to be made in enormous runs to get decent pricing. I believe we will try to do this in the future but I cannot say when that will be exactly..

We have our less expensive wire manufactured in enormous runs so the wire cost is reasonable compared to the US labor that hand terminates these products. Certainly, as length exceeds 2m-3m the cost goes up but at the shorter lengths the wire length cost difference is secondary to the power cable hand-assembly cost. Paying close attention to open contact junctions and termination is part of the reason we believe our products perform well.

If you have other questions, or if I can help further please e-mail. I normally only participate to inform or correct misinformation.

I cannot dispute your experience, and I am sure you heard what you heard.

My experience was different. I did a fairly extensive test of different Shunyata power cables with my CDP played through a Moon and Dynaudio system that was highly resolving and utilized premium Shunyata and other brand cables throughout. I carefully compared the surplus heavy duty 16 guage moulded printer power cable I had been using to the Shuyata Venom, Diamondback and Taipan Alpha Helix VX power cables. I listened to the same 15 pieces of music at the same volume and in the same listening position in the room for several hours (very generous dealer, Tim at Experience Audio in Seattle). The printer cable had worked better than the stock cable that came with the Cambridge CDP, and was my current "reference".

My findings were that there was little difference between the printer cable and the Venom, a big positive difference between the Diamondback and the other two, and a smaller positive difference in the step up from the Diamondback to the Taipan. This was not the result I wanted, because I was hoping I would not be able to decern much of a difference between the various cables and would be happy purchasing the Venom. I ended up purchasing the Diamondback and were cost not object, I would have purchased the Taipan. For the lower current CDP, the shielded printer cable was nearly as refined as the Venom. For a higher current amplifier application, the thicker guage Venom may very well be clearly superior. For whatever reason, the Diamondback worked well in this test and continues to work very well with my source in my system at home.

My experience carfully listening to and comparing these Shunyata cords has made me interested enough in the subject to build some cords of my own, changing the sound of my system in everycase and usually, but not always, for the better. YMMV.