NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
I currently own four of Ben's power cord. Two are currently not in use( These are the original, unshielded versions). The other two are Ben's newest cross-helixed shielded with copper connectors. In a word, these new power cords are amazing. A bargain for their price. I have one on my Pilot tube amp and the sound is as pure and dynamic as one can get. I have the 2nd cord cooking on my fridge and will be experimenting with it on my preamp and amps this weekend. Both cords are the 10 gauge models. Ben offers a lengthy return policy if you're not satisfied with his cords. I have found Ben to be very knowledgeable, trustworthy, and professional in our transactions.

And, finally, copper oxydation: if someone believes oxydation is no problem, well sorry for you.

Why sorry? It isn't a problem, your misinformation notwithstanding.

Also, most all of that wire is tin plated, not bare copper.

folks are paying hundreds for something that is supposed to be 'high quality' to some extent. fifty years of oxydation nowithstanding.

I guess it depends how you define "quality." Much of the marketing of "high end" wares focuses on inventing "problems" for which the manufacture just happens to have a "cure."

Most of that old Western Electric wire was high quality when it was made, and unless it's been overly used and/or abused, it's still of high quality.
Ben, suggest you get your cable sales in a 'limited liablity' corporation standing. So if someone decides to sue you for your cables causing a fire, You will not also 'burn to the ground' personally finacially.
Just a suggestion.
If you feel fully responsible for any and all possible problems one of your cables might cause, and opt to acept full resposibility, then good for you.
Then I would suggest a very large liability policy, just in case.
(I do not sell anything and carry a 1 million total liability policy)
Is all this Western Electric NOS wire covered in cloth or silk? Does any of the wire have an alternative coating? While the manufacturer states he uses a military spec wire, I'd be concerned if it was of the cloth/silk covered variety. I have seen interconnects and speaker cables made with cloth (ex. cotton) insulation, but these wires carry very little current compared to a power cord.