NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
I don't need to defend my reputation but I feel the need to correct miss-information people like Simply Q post.

Let's start with electronics 101...

When you shorten the length of a wire or circuit (commonly known as a "short") you LOWER resistance.

If you were to connect a wire between the hot and neutral of a power outlet, simulating a "short" in a power cord, you would trip your circuit breaker. This is because there is no LOAD or RESISTANCE on the circuit and full current is flowing through the breaker.

Now that we've established that Simply Q knows NOTHING about how electronic circuits work, some of you may consider taking any other advice he may have.

As for upgrades to my products and profit motives...

Over the past year I've taken back product from both direct sale customers and distributors and either replaced it with newly upgraded versions or upgraded it for FREE.

This is part of why you see me selling products at a discount on eBay. They are either used, demos, or not quite as good as my current production and that is CLEARLY stated in my eBay listing.

I am CONSTANTLY testing new materials and connectors. Right now as I'm writing this I'm comparing a $150 set of Furutech RCA jacks to the ones I'm currently using.

Last week I switched over to a more durable (and more expensive) braided fabric covering and braided copper shielding.

As I become aware of a better quality or better sounding material or component I switch over to it.

Originally my sales volume was so low I was unable to purchase certain products because I couldn't meet the companies minimum quantity requirements.

These days I'm ordering CASES and custom production runs manufactured to my specifications.

You will soon be seeing products on my website made from these PROPRIETARY wires and components.

YES, my new ribbon wire power cords sound SIGNIFICANTLY better than the NOS ones. Then again, they better since I need to sell them for about 2X the price.

Bottom line: I'm an audiophile first and a businessperson second.

If you don't like my products then don't buy them. If you haven't heard my products then I suggest you don't make a fool out of yourself by commenting on them.

As of now Mojo Audio will be offering a "no risk" 100% money back guaranty. No restocking fees. Ground shipping both directions refunded.

I am also offering a 90 day 100% upgrade program. If you buy ANY product and want to upgrade it for a newer version or a more expensive product I will give you 100% of your original purchase price.

Once again, I put my $$$ where my mouth (or keyboard)is.

As for "pride"...

Anyone that's been reading this thread wouldn't doubt the pride I have in my products. They may doubt my sanity to make such generous refund/upgrade offers and $10K "burst into flame" challenges, but they don't doubt my pride.

I honestly suggest that some of you forum "bashers" move on to a thread where you can pick on someone or something that can't defend themselves. If you keep up with this thread you will only reveal yourself as the small minded, inexperienced, and ignorant loud mouths that you really are.
Pat, who in these threads that quotes people don't you want to be reminded of? ;) For what it is worth, I've heard Pat's system and it is not about to go up in flames and his cords are not holding it back. I have thought long and hard about trying these cords in my system and it will likely be the next new thing I buy for it.
Boom goes the dynamite. Simply Q, it is obvious to me that you are bashing a product and an honest businessman for the sheer purpose of bashing him.

Is it not obvious that everyone else who has posted on this thread absolutely drools over Ben's products? Not a single bad thing has been said about Ben or is products by those who are actually using them in their systems.

Ben's communication is golden, I know of no other manufacturer on the market who will take as much time to respond to emails or forum threads. He is passionate about what he is making and because of that his equipment's performance is beyond measure.

In the scheme of things, his products are new and so it is not surprising that he is offering upgrades relatively often. Beyond that, he offers many of the upgrades for free. Unlike most companies that offer a 50% trade in policy, Ben is confident enough in his products to offer the upgrades at his own personal cost. That in and of itself is deserving of ridicule in business terms. But it should tell you that he is not trying to cheat people out of their money.

So I suggest that those of you who continue to bash Ben and these products put your money where your mouth is. Ben has been more than generous with his offers.
Early in this thread I made two posts, raising what I consider to be legitimate questions and concerns, from the perspective of someone who, as I stated, has no particular knowledge of the products. Based on what has been said in the subsequent posts by Ben and many others, a follow-up seems appropriate.

One of the two issues I raised concerned the merits of the product, and whether it might simply be an attempt to capitalize on the aura that surrounds the name Western Electric. It seems to me that that question has been satisfactorily answered by the many subsequent responses -- the product obviously provides good value to many people in many systems.

The second issue I raised was to question the present and future integrity of the wire's insulation, in view of its age. Obviously, that concern only pertains to those of Ben's products which are made from many decades old WE wire, which was the subject of the original post. I raised that issue because, as I stated, I have encountered MANY cases of brittle and crumbling insulation on wiring in 1930's radios I have restored.

In many of those cases, the insulation consisted of a rubbery material, perhaps similar to the rubbery material used on the WE wires, or perhaps not.

My feeling is that the many subsequent posts have provided grounds for considerably increased confidence with respect to that issue, but obviously not 100.00% confidence. So as Elizabeth said, the issue has been discussed, pro and con, and we can all make our own decisions.

One last word, concerning the debate between Ben and Simply_q about "low resistance." It seems obvious to me that both parties have a good understanding of the electrical principles involved, and anyone familiar with Simply's post history will realize that he is exceptionally knowledgeable about many technical matters. The controversy arose because of differing interpretations of phraseology. Ben was using the term "low resistance" as contrasted with zero resistance. Simply_q interpreted the term as being incorrectly used in contrast with high(er) resistance.

I suggest that we make an effort to consider the intended meaning behind each other's words before adding unnecessary fuel to the fire.

-- Al


Let's start with electronics 101...

When you shorten the length of a wire or circuit (commonly known as a "short") you LOWER resistance.

If you were to connect a wire between the hot and neutral of a power outlet, simulating a "short" in a power cord, you would trip your circuit breaker. This is because there is no LOAD or RESISTANCE on the circuit and full current is flowing through the breaker.

Now that we've established that Simply Q knows NOTHING about how electronic circuits work, some of you may consider taking any other advice he may have.

The only thing that's been established is that you never got beyond Electronics 101. There's this thing called the real world where things don't always work like the overly simplified and idealized versions presented in textbooks.

In the real world, a "short" isn't just an idealized zero ohm bridge between two conductors in the circuit. When I refer to higher resistance, I'm talking about the resistance of the shorted connection. If it's an exceedingly low resistance, then it won't cause any heating to speak of.

However higher resistances can cause heating, heating that can be sufficient enough to cause a fire. And the levels of current required needn't be so high as to cause a breaker to trip or a fuse to blow.

And it's not just shorts that can cause a fire. Partial opens can as well. This is where there is a failure in the wire that results in a higher resistance than there would otherwise be, such as a crack in a solid conductor or the breaking of a number of strands in a stranded conductor.

It was a partial open that nearly caused a fire in my attic several years ago due to an improper splice that was made in the wiring over the kitchen by the guy who did the lighting when we had it remodeled.

And in cases such as this, the breaker doesn't trip because it's caused by the normal levels of current flowing through the wire.

Over the past year I've taken back product from both direct sale customers and distributors and either replaced it with newly upgraded versions or upgraded it for FREE.

Is that an option that's available to everyone who has purchased your products? If so, then I would have to say that is quite admirable. You shouldn't keep it such a secret.

As for "pride"...

Anyone that's been reading this thread wouldn't doubt the pride I have in my products.

I didn't say you didn't have any pride in your products.

I was responding to your having said that nothing gives you more pride than selling to Asian customers. For that to be the case, it means you somehow have less pride when selling to someone in say, the US or Europe.

That just seems a little strange to me.