NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
Simply_q, here you go:

Audion member Himiguel is the manufacturer. I've had several conversations with him prior to him starting his business so I was pretty aware of his grounding technology and when Ben in his last post mentioned the grounding system it finally clicked.

Also, here is comment on Ben's eBay ad referencing the manufacturer:

miguel10744 is a manufacturer of high end audiophile power conditioners. He compared my power cords to ones that cost SEVERAL THOUSAND $$$ and mine won. He recently purchased my interconnects and digital cable (from my website): they are now his REFERENCE.
Positive feedback rating:
Cable as described. Great transaction, Highly Recommended. A+

Ben, why hide the manufacturers information? I've never known Miguel to shy away from a conversation about his technology and products.

Maybe this is why he doesn't like participating in forums anymore:

Thank you for the kind words, Roger. I'm so glad my advise has improved the sound of your system. As you know Holy $hit Inky Blackness can be a highly priced commodity :) But it need not be with a little bit of applied knowledge.

For those interested in what the heck we are talking about, take a look at this thread that Mr. Wavetrader started:

The specific link in question on that thread can be found here:

I've know a number of people who have implemented this grounding scheme with great results and at a significantly less cost than Tripoint charges for their technology.
I use a Xentec .001pf isolation transformer modified with my power cord, Maestro audiophile plugs, and anti-resonance treatment.

I have GREAT results and have heard no better in my own home.

I don't use what I use because it's "the best" but only because it's the best I can afford.

I only listen to people's opinions on such things that have used the two products side-by-side over extended periods of time in the same system.

Better yet, done that on multiple systems.

"Great results" is as subjective as you can get. Did ANY of these people compare their "reference" to a Topaz or Xentec .005 or .0001 isolation TX let alone to some of the other more expensive alternatives?

My guess is "NO" so why should I accept their opinion?

On the other hand, I do know of SEVERAL people that have made similar comparisons. People with electronics engineering and other technical degrees that make their primary living working in electronics, recording, or laboratories.

Some of these people (that could afford anything) purchased the Tripoint solution and some purchased laboratory grade iso TXs.

Personally I've compared the Xentec and Topaz .005 to some pretty impressive "hospital grade" iso TXs as well as some pretty expensive and well known audiophile products.

None of them hold a candle to my Xentec let alone to the better 5KVA .0001pf version.

Then again, Xentec and Topaz iso TXs have a VERIFIED rating of something like -136db of noise reduction and are used in laboratories and high end aerospace applications.

That's not a "subjective" review by an audiophile. That's a verifiable technical FACT.

The Tripoint products offer SIGNIFICANT advantages over my Xentec iso TX. The ONLY reason I don't own one is that I can't afford one (yet).

I noticed that you didn't answer my questions.

Who's hiding in the shadows now?


Simply_q, here you go:

Thanks, Clio.

Went to the website but found absolutely no useful information. Just a lot of buzzwords and hype.

He refers to the magnetic modules as patented, but I wasn't able to find any patents issued to a Miguel Alvarez for such a thing. Nor any patent applications for that matter.

I do note that his last job before starting Tripoint was as a marketing representative for Bose. ;)

Anyway, not much to be said for something that nothing informative has been said about.


I noticed that you didn't answer my questions.

Because the questions were wholly irrelevant and amounted to nothing more than "My friend has a BIG dick! How big is YOUR dick?"
My dick is a fairly average: 6" long when erect.

The problem is that you once again asked the WRONG question.

A more pertinent question might be how many lovers have I had, how long did these relationships last, how often did I have sex, and so on.

You see, I don't find the size of my dick so important but what I've been able to do with my dick.

Interestingly enough, that is a direct comparison to my original questions that you avoided.

It is not MY opinion of MY accomplishments (or my dick) that matters, but rather the opinions of others that allow me to verify if I have truly accomplished anything or if I'm just a "legend in my own mind" as they say.

Some examples of what I've done in my career (without the use of my dick):

I had my own computerized embroidery business for over a decade. My customer base read like the "whose who" with customers like Lexus, Toyota, Intel, Chase Bank, United Way, Big Brother's and Sisters, and Lucent Technologies.

These companies could have gone to ANYONE but the went to me.

Before that I was a consultant for about a decade in soft good manufacture and had consulting contracts all over the country as well as Jamaica, Mexico, and Canada. I worked for companies with NFL, NBA, and NHL products licensing.

Before that I was a product development engineer for a famous international footwear company (that I am discrete enough not to name) that had over $20M in sales.

My current Audiophile products company is growing so fast that I can hardly keep up with current sales even with hiring two new employees this past month.

I'm not bragging. I'm trying to make a point. There are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people over the years (not to mention lovers) that could have gone with other people or other company's products but have chosen ME.

This means something.

All I know about you is that you own a computer and you think you know everything about everything and you spend your time criticizing others rather than accomplishing things yourself.

There's an old expression: those that can, do. Those that can't, criticize.

What the $%#! have YOU ever done?

How many HUNDREDS of people have confirmed by choosing to spend their hard earned $$$ with you that the products or services you provide are the best value on the market?

BTW, coming from product development and having been a business owner I can understand WHY a company wouldn't put too much information on their website. It is because they don't want their competition to steal their ideas.

Having "patents pending" for the longest period of time possible is a PROVEN business strategy. When you get a patent you have to EXPLAIN HOW YOU DID IT. This allows your competition to attempt to circumvent your patent and steal your ideas. Also, once you have a patent, it is only for so many years so you want to delay the clock as much as possible so that you can enjoy exclusivity as long as possible.

Then again, this is a "big boy" business strategy that you probably wouldn't understand since I sincerely doubt that you have a business of any size yourself or you would have answered my original questions and you would have KNOWN the significance of those answers.