Music Direct Clearance: Focal, Epos

Looking to pull the trigger one 807v or Epic 2 monitors.Anybody familiar with these lines? From reviews it appears the Focal is ruthlessly revealing which might not be a good fit. Epos has a strong heritage and loyal.following. How is MD for returning items?
I bought the Epic 2's a few months ago for a second/surround system. Very happy with them, especially at that price. They just sound good,nothing accented and nothing really MIA.. Nice looking and built well. Never had to return anything to MD, so I can't help you there.
With respect to MD's return policy, search here for a thread on "This might just be the end of brick and mortar". Lots of discussion on their return policy.
you could buy 807W's used for the same $800

I looked and couldn't find any right now but I bet they will come up soon