Smooth sounding copper IC like Kubala Sosna

Recently I got my tube preamp modified which has now resulted in a revealing yet emotionally involving sound. Interestingly it has started revealing flaws that exists else where in my system (at least thats what I am guessing). There is an upper midrange emphasis to the tones which is making the overall presentation a bit to energetic, I know it is not supposed to sound this way. I am using two ICs which have silver content and can sound bright in some systems, I guess they need to be changed.

I am pretty sure I want only a copper IC. I like the Kubala Sosna Emotion a lot but cant afford them.
I am looking to spend a max of $500, new or used.
I see Cardas Golden Ref coming on sale here for $500 often but I have read that they can add false bloom in the mid bass which I would not like introduce.

I am looking for a smooth sounding IC which does good bass and does not roll off treble in a deliberate way.
The following are on my short list:

1. Audio Note Lexus Copper IC
2. Audio Tekne Copper
3. Kimber KS1011, 1016
4. Purist Audio, really do not know which model to choose here
5. Greg Straley Reality cable
6. Anti IC.
7. XLO Unlimited Edition

I just know by reading that all these ICs are Copper and are known for being smooth hence they are on my list. However, I am sure they all would sound different from one another. I would love to have the most refined among these (who doesnt :) ). The only two ICs that I can audition are the Anti and Straley. I will be doing it next week. But I am willing to experiment and buy blind if I get some strong recommendations.
Why not build a pair of VH Audio's DIY Silver IC's using High Quality Copper?
I just built a couple of pair using their DIY instructions and NOS Western Electric 24 AWG silk covered copper speaker wire. Yummy!!
Honestly, although I use Kubala Sosna Emotion exclusively in my system (currently), I will highly recommend the antipodes cables (try the Kokiri, you won't be dissapointed). Smooth, detailed, good speed and a true feeling of live music which the KS cannot match. The KS is more detailed in the midrange (slightly more refined but I'm spitting hairs here). Anyways, for the money they are unbelieveable.

I've also tried the Cardas Golden Reference ... very nice cables but (without dissrespect) not in the same league as KS or Antipodes. The Cardas cables sound good in systems some systems where they match but otherwise they can sound unbalanced and slow.

The KS Fascination are too lean in the midrange. I think the Expressions or Emotions are the way to go unless you can afford the Elations.
Hi Pani: I've had extremely good experience with the MAC Mystics. I've tried many different cables, and I keep coming back to the Mystics. The price point cannot be beat, and I feel that they keep up with just about any cable. If you want more info on my experience, let me know, and I'll write back. Good luck on your decision.
I finally got the Fusion Audio Romance IC-1. I bought it from Eric Love of Fusion Audio.
It has been playing in my system for about 20 hours. Okay, this is making a strong case of ending my interconnect search.
Since it is still burning in, I am keeping my excitement under check but just to give an heads up, I cannot imagine a Kubala Sosna Emotion beating this IC. At the most they may be equals.
I am saying this without ever listening to a Kubala Emotion :). I have only read about them and heard from friends. But it is very likely that the Fusion would trounce the Kubala...they are that good right away.

I will write a complete review after I do about another 100 hours on it. Till that time finger are crossed. I hope I keep liking it as much I seem to now.
Wow, you are able to say that the Fusion will very likely "trounce" the KS without even hearing it. I'm on pins and needles waiting for your "complete" review.