Any one here heard the Bmi Oceanic Statement?

I'm a Power Cord FREAK!!! I heard lots of good things about BMI. I'm looking to put it in my CDP. Right now I'm using a AQ power cord the NRG-5 retail some where $600 dollars, I pay about $200 not bad for the money. Any way any experience with the Bmi Oceanic Statement would be appreciated. Thank You.
I tried it on cd player amp and it sounded great on both. Ended up putting it on my ps audio power plant, in my system it does everything right.
I have not heard the Bmi oceanic statement yet but do own 4 Bmi Hammerhead gold mk4 power cables and very pleased with the results. Great detail and transparency with ultra wide soundstage improvements throughout the system. One of the biggest upgrades I did with the Bmi cable

Now I read somewhere that Bmi is releasing a Hammerhead gold mk5 which is a step up from the mk4. Also that the hammerhead gold mk5 comes a bit to the overall natural sound of the Oceanic statement. Depending on how much I want to spend my just go to an Oceanic statment or buy the new hammerhead gold mk5.

Hello Mazinga1,

I have the BMI Oceanic Statement for about three weeks now and let me tell you, Very Special! power cord. I own many Ref power cord but the BMI Oceanic is some thing else like I say before Very Special power cord. I tried it on my CJ Act2 MKll preamp with wonderful results, I'm hearing a much wider sound stage, more detail, alot more air and without a doubt more layers. Music is more natural, it just push the CJ to the next level. I'm quite impressed of this, Also I'll tried it on my Harmonix Reimyo CDP again with wonderful results. I'm saving my money to buy another BMI Oceanic... Hope this help Good Luck.
