Any one here heard the Bmi Oceanic Statement?

I'm a Power Cord FREAK!!! I heard lots of good things about BMI. I'm looking to put it in my CDP. Right now I'm using a AQ power cord the NRG-5 retail some where $600 dollars, I pay about $200 not bad for the money. Any way any experience with the Bmi Oceanic Statement would be appreciated. Thank You.
Horchai, what is very bad news? Do you know the type of wire that was claimed to be used in the Whale power cord Tabu has?
Hey Tabu I just read one of your older threads about BMI Whale. As stated below. I am a fan and good customer of BMI Cables and always totally satisfied with my purchases. Most importantly I always hear great improvements with the BMI Cables in my audio systems.

Here is what Tabu stated +10 years ago about BMI.
Hope people can see thru Tabu's agenda. I know, I can.


04-16-02: Tabu
i have the bmi whale elite mk11 and tried a number of other
big names and price and nothing come even close to wath bmi does,it's like having no cable at all ,it's tranparent and
it does exactly wath it should do:play music like nothing
you ever heard.
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