AudioQuest DBS Field

Does anyone who have cable audioquest whit a dbs field battery pack can tell me what it can improve. I read about it on the official site but i would like to have a consumer impression.
you can read a much more detailed analysis on the US Patent website---Bill Low patented this technology. then make up your own mind.

that said, all the reviews i've read say its difficult to hear a difference, so ymmv bigtime here.


you can read a much more detailed analysis on the US Patent website---Bill Low patented this technology.

First, a patent doesn't mean anything. You can patent anything you want. It doesn't have to work or even do what you claim it does.

Second, there's no analysis at all in the DBS patent (7,126,055 for those interested). Low simply makes a number of unsubstantiated claims. You might as well read their marketing literature.

I did find one thing of note in the patent however that relates to something I'd said previously:

"In other words, and as indicated above, cables of this type may be thought of as long capacitors being gradually charged (i.e., "formed") by the electrical signal as the signal is communicated along a conductor surrounded by an insulating dielectric material."

This makes it pretty clear that Low has a rather basic misunderstanding with regard to dielectric "forming" and doesn't realize that this is something that only relates to aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
I wasn't saying anything about claims or not---just about that it was one place you could read more about it.

chill out Simply Q.
been thinking about this and dug up some reference materials. I am thinking that Simply_q is kind of correct in that the physical changes to the dielectric, while they are real effects, I think even in plastics, are not likely to occur in the regime we use. Maybe with a few hundred kHz and more watts but unless I am completely misunderstanding the equations (always possible!) this sort of thing should not be happening on a speaker cable. Mind I'm not commenting on the product in question, just the "why it works" end of things. I'm not sure. Much of the discussion that I've seen is utilizing the equations for relaxation on systems subject to external E&M fields. Seems like a misuse of concept but.....
btw, Simply Q---would you care to disclose why you only respond to cable oriented threads on Audiogon?