Best Interconnects

I recently put a preamp into my system instead of feeding my Wadia 781i directly into my power amps. Which by the way was a significant improvement. I am now looking for the best interconnect between my Wadia and my SMC-VRE 1 preamp. I am considering Stealth Sakra, Cardas Clear, Kubala Sosna Elation, Tara Labs Zero Gold. Preamp to power amp is Tara Labs Zero Onyx. It is very difficult to evaluate all these cables especially over extended break in periods. Does anyone have experience with several of these cables or similar. Your advice and input would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards
You are running balanced, aren't you? The 781i is truly balanced and your preamp has balanced inputs. Wadia told me that I should run balanced if at all possible.

What did you find with the preamp that you didn't have running straight into your amp? People say that it's because you can run the wadia at 100 (full open), but the dip switches inside the unit can be set to run the Wadia at an optimal 75-100. I haven't tried a preamp, so I'm curious.

Hi Chuck,
I know Wadia recommends running straight into your power amp and I can appreciate the logic behind this ie most people aren't going to be too happy to spend as much again on their preamp as they spent on their Wadia and it does soften the upgrade path. However despite shortest signal path philosophy a top tier preamp will get a lot more out of your Wadia, at a price of course. After a long affair with tubes I finally went solid state, pre & power for accuracy. I chose the SMC VRE-1 over Spectral by a whisker but both are great preamps. A great improvement you can make to your Wadia is to buy a really good power cord difference is night and day.
Anti-cables,if you buy balanced 1 meter and dont like them I will pay 70% for them.Good luck,Bob
I also will send you a one month old pair Of Art Audio,1 meter balanced to try while your experimenting.I dont do expensive cables anymore.I was one who couldnt tell a big difference.I do like expensive stuff however,Ayre,Mac CJ,Counterpoint.Go figure,I cannot,cheers,Bob