KCI Silkworm+ VS Gabriel Gold interconnects

Has anyone of you compared KCI Silkworm+ (or the regular KCI Silkworm) performance against Gabriel Gold ICs (Rev2R or Rapture)?
I prefer life-like musical sounding, involving and engaging. I mainly listen to vocals, rich and smooth but not muddy. I love 3D soundstage with depth and great layering.
In addition, which one is more flexible and better build? So I could purchase shorter length and save my money.

I couldn't listen and do A/B comparison since I live in Asia, even their helpful return policies are not appealing because of high returning costs and quite a hassle. Therefore, I ask you guys for your thoughts and impressions over the sound quality and characteristics.
Both of them are well regarded ICs in Agon but I couldn't find direct shootout between them.

Hope you guys could help me.
Thanks for the input.
I should have ended my last post with IMO. It was certainly the case to my tastes and in my system with the cables I mentioned.
Tvad - Thanks for your response. No distinct difference between them SQ wise? Unfortunately I won't have a chance to audition them A/B in my system.
Anyway, the more flexible and more thinner jacket of Silkworm won't bring any noise floor right?

Csmgolf - Thanks Csmgolf, you are very welcomed with your own opinion since it's going to help me narrowing my decision.
Is it night & day difference to step up from Silkworm into Silkworm+? What has changed?
On the same level, which one you prefer between GG Revelation Mk1 and Silkworm? Why?
Thanks buddy.

Don't hesitate, just chime in guys! Especially those who had experience with both brands. Cheers!
Shinn_aj, they are both good cables. Their sound is closer than it is different. They are both small, boutique brands. Read recent threads to do your due diligence regarding the true market value of GG cables versus their retail price.

Frankly, if I were an overseas buyer, I would look at some other cable options that provide better opportunity for auditioning, and higher resale value.
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Again, as Tvad stated the differences between GG and KCI are subtle. My preference was for the Silkworm based on what I described as the differences above. These are MY observations in MY system and may not apply to you, your system or your preferences. I have never heard any cable that is light years ahead of other similarly priced cables. There have been subtle differences that I found musically important to me. With that said, the Silkworm+ is a definite improvement over the Silkworm. I liken the difference to looking thru a cleaner window. Better contrast between background and performer, more vibrancy, better tone, more 3 dimensional. The difference is subtle, but audible and worthwhile to me. Regards, Cris.