KCI Silkworm+ VS Gabriel Gold interconnects

Has anyone of you compared KCI Silkworm+ (or the regular KCI Silkworm) performance against Gabriel Gold ICs (Rev2R or Rapture)?
I prefer life-like musical sounding, involving and engaging. I mainly listen to vocals, rich and smooth but not muddy. I love 3D soundstage with depth and great layering.
In addition, which one is more flexible and better build? So I could purchase shorter length and save my money.

I couldn't listen and do A/B comparison since I live in Asia, even their helpful return policies are not appealing because of high returning costs and quite a hassle. Therefore, I ask you guys for your thoughts and impressions over the sound quality and characteristics.
Both of them are well regarded ICs in Agon but I couldn't find direct shootout between them.

Hope you guys could help me.
Thanks for the input.
I've owned all 3 and still own the Silkworm + with Xhadow rca connectors. They are all very good, and all 3 are really great guys to deal with. The Silkworms just sounded more natural to me in the end, and as noted above had a better presention of low end material in my system. It must be said at this point you are really getting into personal preference and taste, so what yings for someone else may yang for you, or vice versa. All three offer trial periods I believe, it woud be best to listen for yourself.
Hi Arthur, thanks for your response, appreciate that.

Since you owned all three of them, which one do you think is more robust and durable over time?
I heard and read on some threads that Jade Audio is not so robust and easily get broken. No offense to Jade Audio, I need to do my due diligence as customer and get confirmation/opinion from fellow audiophiles.
Which of them is more flexible to bend?

In your opinion and system, which of those three you think is better for vocals and soundstage? I meant closer to reality/life-like and toe-tapping enjoyment.

Thanks Arthur.
The Silkworm + and the Gabriel are equally robust and flexible in my opinion,with the Jade being flexible, but not as robust in build. For the record my Jade cables never broke but they do need to be treated with care. I know all 3 would take good care of you if there were any build issues, but time out of system for repair is a valid consideration.

In my system and to my ears they all soundstage and image well, more alike than different I would say, but I preferred the KCI for it's more natural sound on everything and I listen to a lot of singer/songwriter type of vocal music. They delivered the most satisfying and toe-tapping sound to me. But that's my system, my ears, and my preferences, so again I would encourage you to audition them as possible.
What a great reply Arthur, thanks.

Would you mind to let me know which Gabriel you owned?

Price wise, I think Silkworm+ as KCI's top-of-the-line is quite a bargain & appealing since its price almost on the same level as Gabriel's Revelation R and below Gabriel's top cables, the Rapture (their Reflection line definitely not an option).

If yours were GG Rapture and Silkworm+ performs better in your system & to your ears, then it's obvious which the winner based on price-performance ratio. But, system synergy is the most important thing, I know that.

Unfortunately, their flexible trial periods and auditioning each one of them are not great idea since my country is a "leech" where every US$50 value of imported goods would get 20% customs and not to mention tax. Sending back & forth would make me broke in no time.

Thanks Arthur.
My ears agree with Arthur's. The combination of Silkworm+ interconnect and Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable in my system helps deliver the most natural/realistic sound I've ever heard from amplified music.