Do power cords make an audible difference?

I recently discovered the inexpensive Pangea AC-9 power cord. It was so inexpensive I decided, just for kicks, to buy one for my sacd player and my integrated amp. I was extremely doubtful I would hear any difference at all. I plugged them in, turned on the system and I was surprised. I immediately invited a non-audiophile over for a listen. She had only heard my system for maybe 30 minutes with the old cords and I asked her if she could hear a difference. After listening to only two tracks she said "it sounds more clear". This is exactly what I had thought. I also noticed the sound stage seemed bigger. Now, it's not A huge difference but it is noticeable to the casual observer, so it is significant, which is more than I hoped for.
You heard a difference because they DO make an audible difference. Just because it's not easily explainable and because the logic of it seems so inconceivable does not mean it is not true. In 99.9% of the time a decent after-market power cable such as the Pangea, Signal Cable, VH Audio (just to name a few modestly priced brands, not to mention the pricier ones) will consistently improve the sound of your component and hence your system in positive, unambiguous ways.
Your experience of improved clarity is a very common one...other benefits often include better dynamics, improved bass extension, improved soundstage, "blacker" silences, and more stable imaging....None of this is voodoo, it's simply true. The differences are more readily apparent as your system's resolving power becomes more developed but even a very modest one will note worthwhile improvements.
I am not a dealer of any audio products of any kind. I did NOT want to believe what I am saying was true because quite frankly, I didn't want to have to start purchasing another product that I never thought had to be replaced! But,I did something that apparently too many readers of these forums simply refuse to do: I tried one and experienced it for myself and at that point, there was obviously no possible turning back.
Doubters: You'll have many arguments against why it can't be true, as we've all heard so often but if you try it in your system you'll believe. Last week I borrowed a new cable from a friend, put it on my dac and immediately heard an increase in richness, texture and 3D imaging and body.
Yes, it's scientifically prove-able: I'm 100% positive I can tell 10 out of 10 times (or more if necessary) which of the 2 cords are playing each time (all else remaining equal).
This is really no longer a debate. Try it and see, or, at the risk of sounding rude or disrespectful (which I never want to do on any forum), your opinions "Fall on deaf ears".
I was at an audio boutique a while ago auditioning an integrated amp and the owner was in high sales mode trying to get me to hear the "huge" difference swapping out the stock power cord with an Analysis Plus pc would make to the overall presentation.

I repeatedly picked the stock pc in the A/B listening test.

I think see said I was not "ready" yet or some such remark... most certainly not at the inflated prices you see them for at (north of one thousand dollars)!

I haven't perceived an audible improvement to my system sound by replacing stock pc's. Just another subjective element to this fabulous hobby.
“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” Albert Einstein.

Audible differences in power cords are apparently one of those things that can't be counted, yet they count. I guess that settles it.

I call this debate officially over! Thank you all for your participation, and thank you Mr. Einstein for clearing that up.

I'm going to listen to some music, I suggest you all do the same.