Are there any constants in speaker wire designs?

I've been looking at different speaker wires and the different designs and am wondering if anyone has listened to enough different speaker wires to know if there are any constants. Is there any "signature" sound that goes with similar designs? For example, does a four or eight wire braided (think Kimbel) have a particular sound quality compared to a basic two strand wire?

It seems that there should be some similarities amoung cables of similar design. The number of strands, braided vs. straight, gage, etc...

If there wasn't some truth to this it would mean that speaker wire designs are just random configurations.

Any thoughts?
Elizabeth, that is untrue. Van den Hul The THIRD speaker cable conductor is made purely form Carbon fibre, and thats not metal.

While speaker cable designs can possibly be RANDOM, I believe in these constants that fit my taste and system: separated and insulated strands (#1 to avoid strand jumping) of very thin (#2 this gives "speed" to the sound, better controls speaker drivers) silver plated copper (#3 IMHO this blends all the best from copper and silver) wires.

Everything is IMHO, to my taste, and within my system.

wire..."designs"....are just random. the magic happens when a random result sounds to someone, and if they are then able to get certain other someone's to say so in public/print thus convincing other someone's to exchange their own monies for it...well, an angel get's its wings.


oh wow! i just designed a straight line on a piece of paper using a straightedge and lead pencil...
Oakleys: better patent that straight line! who knows what great value it has?
Agree with you on the wire.
Yes, in the hi-end they are all overpriced and yield no significant difference in what you hear. This has been proven time and time again in the gold standard, which is double blind tests. Stick with home depot stuff and buy more media.