New Zu Mission cable

For some reason, the other thread on this subject was deleted. I wanted to hear from those who bought the new Mission cable during Zu's recent promotional period. I also would like to open up this thread to impressions of this cable once in your system.
Thanks for the comparisons Johnny. And also I see that with Zu having completely upended their speaker cable line, a thread on this topic would tend to compare old vs new models.
I just received a B-stock Mission IC in the mail today and have it sitting between my Jasmine LP2.0SE phono pre and upgraded EE Minimax Preamp and out of the damn box they are impressive.

I bought a Zu Bok some years ago for a source and hated it, so I didn't know what to expect from their newer cables (own speakers and a Zu103 no other cable experience with their stuff) but I'm pleased off the bat.

A no brainer purchase during this stoopid cheap 75% off deal. I'll be eagerly awaiting the '200 hour' burn in marker.
I don't get that. Why after launching a new brand a few months ago with great fanfare do they now have B-stock at 75% off? Also the Event line, which seems to have been launched guerilla-style and is better than Mission, also has B-stock at 75% off? Weird marketing strategy.
Speaking with the guys at Zu, none of the B-stock cables are returns or anything, but if an RCA barel has a scratch or a small snag in tech flex or minutely shorter lead, etc. it will be considered B-stock. I have one pair of their ICs and, aside from the conspicuous "B" designation, it looks perfect to me.

As for the Events, the whole line isn't even out yet--just the PCs and LCs. I have no idea what they'll do to promote them when they rest of the cabling comes out next year, but it was mentioned to me that 2011 would be a dry year as far as promos.

My suspicion is that the marketing strategy is one geared towards mass exposure at loss leader pricing. Its probably not profitable now, but they're creating a lot of excitement and internet buzz (deservedly so) around their products and professional reviewers haven't even chimed in yet.

I'm interested to see how well the company does next year and how the market adjusts to them actually observing retail pricing. I for one am rooting for them.
With Zu's current deals on the Mission cable line I'm beginning to wonder if I got a deal at all. I participated in the early promotion back in September and yes I have been enjoying the Mission SCs I purchased. I really felt though that I got a good deal all around since I thought I got the cables @ 50% off. Now it seems that with the promotional pricing being around for longer than the initial period and this 75% B-stock deal I got great sounding speaker cables with really no money savings. I guess that is what I get for being naive and falling for the marketing hype. Oh well I was fooled this time around. I do love the sound of the Mission SCs in my system but will take Zu's pricing with a grain of salt going fwd.