Kimber Monocle XL vs Acoustic Zen Satori


Between these two, which one is a winner? I am trying to upgrade my speaker cable to either one of these. My speakers are Focal Chorus 816V. Any inputs, comments are welcome. Thanks!
What are you using now?

I can't speak to the Kimber but have used Satori with Focal Chorus 714S to very satisfying results. I found the Focal's top end could become a little too much when matched with the wrong cable (e.g., Blue Heaven) - Satori was just right.

I'd characterize the Satori as full-bodied and more neutral than most. The Focals have since moved out of my system but the Satori have remained.
i agree with soulbrass
i sold my blue heaven and still have the satori and 8tc
my speakers are jmlab electra 926 and acoustic zen adagio
Is there an old and new Satori speaker cable?
Does anyone know if this is new or old?

This one just listed today.