Your homemade tweaks?

Having just read bgmyers thread on isolating cables and some of the excellent ideas our fellow audiogoners shared, I thought it would be great for us to compile a listing of all the innovative alternatives and their uses we have come up with to tweak our systems in lieu of buying them from the pricey manufacturers.

I'll start it off with having used tennis balls as isolation devices under components.
I have used paper towel rolls for cable risers. I cover the tube with clear packing tape, then cut it with an exacto knife. amd add V notches with a scissors, And if one painted them before taping.. whoo hoo. Could sell then for $$$.
I use VIVA paper towels.. (they make the best risers.)
Another good use for the cardboard tissue rolls is as a spacer for separating interconnects from power cords and speaker cables. Just cut the tissue roll in 1 or 2 inch sections like a sushi roll. The trick is not having the cardboard much wider than cables. So one tissue roll could be cut in half, but the standard cardboard tissue roll works without any drawbacks. Cardboard paper towel rolls had a negative effect in my system. My guess is they are to long, to thick and to hard (insert joke hear). BTW unlike toilet tissue rolls, paper towels inserts vary greatly in there diameter. So there you have it the pros and cons of cardboard toilet tissue inserts over cardboard paper towel inserts. Gotta luv it.
Why not use any readily cut tubing, such as garden hoses. Indeed you could block RFI etc by stuffing in some ferrite like steel wool to surround your cables. Patent Pending TM protected copywritten etc. Then of course put some viscoelastic somewhere.