Most underated albums......

Here it goes...

Gang of 4:Entertainment

The Fall:Bend Sinister,This Nations Saving Grace..

Jonny Thunders and the Heartbreakers: LAMF

Wire:Pink Flag,154,chairs missing

THe Vibrators

The Saints
I was at that Mahavishnu concert in Central Park. Saw them several times during that time period. Always amazing performances. Sadly, none of their albums capture the savagery of their sound. Still the live album is excellent fusion music.

Tweekerman, never warmed up to E. Winter's "Entrance", but loved "Shock Treatment". It's more pop oriented than some of his other records. His band included Rick Derringer and Dan Hartman. Some great songwriting and playing.
I saw Edgar Winter once, Frankenstein circa 1974, good show, but was a bigger fan of Johnny. Lucky you to have seen the Mahavishnu Live, WOW!
I love McLoughlin too! "Birds of Fire" is a great album, but the high water mark of his career is "Friday Night In San Francisco".
John McLaughlin with Shakti is outstanding! He's always had an eastern infusion to his music, and the Shakti stuff is great!

I also really like the disc he did way back when with Carlos Santana, "Love, Devotion, Surrender."
If you're into J. McLaughlin then be sure to check out "My Goal's Beyond". It's an acoustic album with two longer tracks with a band (eastern influenced jazz), but the highlight is side 2 where it's just him on guitar (with overdubs) playing some of his own compositions and a few jazz standards ("Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" and "Blues In Green"). Also be sure to get a listen to his work with Miles Davis - my fav being "Tribute to Jack Johnson".
