Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect

Hi, I'm considering replacing my Nordost Frey XLR IC's with the AU24e. I'm looking for a natural and detailed sound. Unfortunately I cannot audition the Au24e but could take a chance as my speaker cables are AU24e and like the sound a lot.

My equipment:
Mcintosh MA7000 integrated
Olive 4HD music server
PS Audio DAC LINK III (Cullen Stage IV)
B&W 804D speakers
AU24e speaker cable
Iluminati D-60 digital SPDIF

I have owned both the Frey and the AU24, as well as the Nordost TYR, the Morrow Audio MA4 beats em both easily. See my review in the reviews section.
I only commented because someone mentioned SPM as bright and I know the Frey is more so than the SPM. I am not using bright as a bad term just lean with a lot going on in the top portion of the music. The VALHALLA does the same thing in my system. In my system the Heimdall sounded better than the Frey. In terms of speaker cables none of the Nordost cables satisfied me and I was willing to spend a lot more money on what I wanted verses the Frey or Heimdall. The interconnect cables are the same way. I am using now Purist Dominus Praesto from my source to my preamp and then the SPM to my amps. The Dominus has the midrange and top which I like in my system. I am sure it is all system dependent. I just thought there was some mis-information about the SPM cables being spread.
Agree on Nordost SC's, Coxhaus. My ribbon tweeters seem to mitigate brightness (dispursion?), so the impression I'm left with of the frey is definately NOT that it's bright at all. It's snappy, got drive, and great coherence.