Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect

Hi, I'm considering replacing my Nordost Frey XLR IC's with the AU24e. I'm looking for a natural and detailed sound. Unfortunately I cannot audition the Au24e but could take a chance as my speaker cables are AU24e and like the sound a lot.

My equipment:
Mcintosh MA7000 integrated
Olive 4HD music server
PS Audio DAC LINK III (Cullen Stage IV)
B&W 804D speakers
AU24e speaker cable
Iluminati D-60 digital SPDIF

Ok, my final verdict (played some Ulrich Schnauss, Judas Priest, Sword, Orb, Bela Fleck, Ocean Blue)....

If i listened at lower volumes, I slightly prefered the Audience, but at higher volumes, I overwhenlmingly preferred the Norsodt. Anything north of "25" on my Ayre preamp sounded so forward on my system.

About the same level of deep bass from both, the Nordost has more mid bass, the Audience has a snappy and clean mid range, the Nordosts highs are more evenly balanced among instruments and didn't tend to highlight some things like the Audience. The audiece was more fun with some recordings that have a lot of "bleepy" sounds that are panning the soundstage (orb).

Did you decide which one of these, Audience or Nordost, you prefer for long time listening versus just casual listening? Which do you prefer for listening the majority of the time? I am split down the middle on getting some cables from my phono pre to the preamp.

Right now I am using Audioquest Sky and highly modded Neotech pure silver cables with silver WBT's, alternating every once in a while. The idea of trying one of these cables in my system is appealing.

Yes...I'd been away from my system, travelling, for about a month...I came back, sat down, and things just didn't sound rich, engaging or "right." I cranked up the volume and (I was using Pandor), thought the file compression (Adobe?) must be at fault. About 2 days later, I looked in back and saw that I had the Audience connected. So, I put the Nordost back in. POW. That did it. The harmonics came back, the soundstage was fleshed out, etc. Now, mind you, I run the AU24's and they are the BEST speaker cable I have had in my system. For whatever reason the AU24 XLR's just don't do it for me. Right now. I'm not going to sell them, though, because, in a different configuration, I can see them working...If I had PBS speakers or Vandersteens especially...I'd want the AU24's in (I think, this is hypothetical).
One more note...Althought the Audience might be percieved as having a lower noise floor and blacker background, I felt they had a tendency to push certain frequencies (instruments) to the front...this was cool is some ways, but it happened at the expense of the balance of the recording.

The Nordost gave me a more complete picture. Dynamics about the same with both.
I've had the frey interconnects as well as the AU24 interconnect between my modded PS audio DAC (cullen stage IV mods) and my Modwright LS100. My amp is the Modwright KWA100SE and I have Vienna acoustic Haydn Grand speaker on Dynaudio stands. This is NOT a bright system. Very balanced with a nice tube edge coming from the LS100.

AU24 is more balanced, with better defined and deeper low end as well as sweeter highs. Vocals, piano, were closer to the "real" thing. The AU24 also gives a better sense of the acoustics of the room where the recording was made. Better soundstage depth and layering. Very rich sound while keeping excellent PRAT (very hard not to tap your feet with these wires in the system).

Overall, I'm VERY impressed with the AU24. I can listen to them for hours on end at all sound volumes (including the "elicit extreme anger from neighbor" volume).

The Frey's are good, no doubt about that. But at higher volumes and for extend listening sessions, I definetly got listener fatigue (and more "turn down the volume from the wife"). Also, they make you think and analyze the music and your audio system instead simply letting you forget everything but the music. They are lean in the sound they produce.

I'm now going to sell my Frey's w/o a moments hesitations.