Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic

I now have compared and now own 2 of Audio magics new Liquid Air cables this new liquid conductor is the 1st True liquid conductor on the market I have the Sorcerers
which I did compare with many $1k interconnects and these cables are smooth at first you think a little laid back but not the case there is no metal in the conductor .All metal based cables have inherant high frequency ringing that comes out as distortion and pick up RFI Not so with these cables they take a solid 300 hrs just to start settling in.IN my main system I have the Illusions
I just want to report that the interconnects are breaking in very well I am hearing details in Beatles music and voices that were just a blur in other high end cables and voices sound true to life with exceptional timing and depth if instruments is exceptional even after 300 hours the Bass is exceptional and very articulate. I am told they will continue to improve ,it is hard to believe they can get better still, these liquid Illusion interconnects are the best new
cable technologies I know of.I can tell you briefly the speaker cables just increase the performance even better. A good description would be in a nutshell a very natural sounding signal . Check them out they have 4 different price groups even the entry level cable is better than anything in it's price group overall.
there is another issue. if the cables were described as smooth and whitish. those two words contradict each other. whitish implies a grain structure.

perhaps pani meant to use another word, but it would have to be consonant with smooth, in order to be consistent.

what say you pani ??
is it possible that the cable might be revealing some flaw in your system that other cables are covering up ?

Hello Mrtennis, I agree that such a thing can never be totally discarded however good a system might be but the probability of such a thing AFAIK with my system is very low AND I took around this cable to couple of other Audiophile's places who all have very well chosen gears. The result was similar. And again I would like to emphasize that the issue is not something very apparent in the initial listening sessions, it occurs to one (if at all) only after one lives with it for some time. Obviously once you know what is happening it becomes easier to "listen" to those flaws in other systems as well.

Let me go a step back. Many a times when we come across a "new" sound (due to a cable or an equipment change), we try to analyze it by breaking it into parts (bass, mid, treble, soundstage etc) because it makes it easier to analyze just one area at a time (Divide and conquer). Then, if some of the important areas sounds really amazing our respect for that component (in this case the cable) increases. Many a times, out of that respect we tend to give undue weightage to even the areas which "may" be sounding different but not amazing. Those are the areas which are the most difficult to understand in such scenarios. One is already clouded by the aura of the cable and now he has to say "No" to some of its aspects....possible if those aspects are really bothering else things take totally different turn, we rather try to believe that some of the not-so-amazing but new aspects is possibly the "right" sound and we need to get accustomed to it or some other favorable reason to accept what we are hearing. Many a times I have seen audiophiles are recommended to "Unlearn" to be able to appreciate the performance of a new component in the chain. And sometimes Audiophiles voluntarily try to unlearn because they "want" to appreciate a particular aspect of a component, may be it is the aura that component has created by the virtue of its performance in some other aspect or due to the image it carries or whatever.

My point is relatively simple. When "Realism" strikes, it strikes hard and it is instantly recognizable by our ears. If a cable sounds more real (due to lack of ringing or any such reason) it should not take a lot of time to judge it. If it is taking some time then we should be clearly aware that something about it is not correct which our ears have caught. One does not have to unlearn anything to appreciate realism.

For me Audio Magic cables did not sound real enough though I had to take some time to understand the "Why" of it.
there is another issue. if the cables were described as smooth and whitish. those two words contradict each other. whitish implies a grain structure.

perhaps pani meant to use another word, but it would have to be consonant with smooth, in order to be consistent.

what say you pani ??

Hello mrtennis, When I said smooth I meant it never sounded hard or harsh. Edges were too etched or sharp. The whitish thing I was referring to was about the timbral-glow of the instrument. I would say it was not very severe like some of the silver cables but it was there.

Audioman58, my associated equipments were as follows,
Transport : TEAC VRDS 10
DAC : Reimyo DAP777
Preamp : Acoustic Portrait PM1 Tube preamp
Power amp : Symphonic Line RG1 MK4
Speaker : ATC SCM40
Speaker cable was by Einstein Audio Germany (all copper).
Power cords were again all pure copper designs by Oyaide.
Pani, which Audio Magic Liquid Air cable did you try as there are 4 levels of them. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I had auditioned the Clairvoyant Liquid Air IC,s and I did end up buying them. They outperformed my Shindo IC's by a fair amount. The thing I liked about the shindo cables was the tonal qualities were more real. Surprisingly I find that the Clairvoyant cables were a major step up from the shindo in this area. Images have more body at the same time having much more detail. Things like sax/trumpet and cymbals have a more real sound to me with this cable. Most other cables I have had add artifacts to the sound which may be mistaken for extension but is really not music.
Hello A big part of your problem is your power your speakers ar super ineficient 85db and these speakers go into the 3 ohm range you need at least 250 wpc into 8ohms
O think Mr. tennis is correct.etween the very high xover point around 2.5khz that is right in the heart of the midrange this and taxing your amplifier I can see this
happening. I have no issues whatsoever with the Audio Magic Liquid Illusions the Brass has tons of bite ,after reading this my and my freinds played Miles davis kind of Blue and Between the standup Bass Piano and Trumpet
it was like the event was in the room .I am sorry these cables are outstanding in my reference system by any standards.My brothers freind have the one just under mine
with the Sorcerers and no such complaints. What model did you have and where did you get them from ? was it a whole system interconnects and speaker cables ?