Morrow MA4 Vs JPS SC3?

What are the benefits of the Morrow cable verses JPS SC3?
I have both morrow sp4 and Clear Day double shotgun. Morrow has better bass but Clear day has better soundstage and more lively in my system.

The Morrow MA1 sounded better than my Superconductors 3, I was so impressed that I decided to try the MA6/SP6. Soundstage much deeper with a wider soundstage with pristine clarity. JPS is a little forward in its presentation by comparison.
Clear Day are great speaker cables. As far jp#s claim that Gabriel Golds crush Morrow, I would offer a different assessment. Gabriel Golds are very extended but can sound a little fatiguing. In my experience, the higher you go in the Gabriel Gold line, the better the high frequencies sound. Bass extension, however, is not as impressive.

In my system, I run Gabriel Golds from my source to pre and Morrow from pre to amp. Nothing I have tried has beaten the Morrows in that position, whereas I have found Tara Labs and PAD to better the Gabriel Golds, although at greater cost.