I notice liquid cables are being talked about a bit at the moment so thought I'd share my experience.

I come from a somewhat cable sceptic background. After playing with modest cables I felt there were differences but it was all pretty subtle. The best I came across were Anti-cables which with everything I've seen seemed to offer slightly greater clarity. They've stayed in my system for the past 3 years as it's evolved.

I run an Emm Labs, Muse amp (very underrated)and Kharma speakers with just an XLR between the electronics. I was offered the opportunity to try a Teo XLR in an unfamiliar system a little while ago and was surprised at the difference it made so at the earliest opportunity I tried them in mine.

I've had them for over a week now and have been surprised at just how big a difference they've made. In a system that I've been very happy with the greater decay and body to notes is a revelation. They've added a more natural perspective that I didn't know I was missing. Very impressive.
Hi Gloria,
That was a typo. This should read "Toxicology is part of my profession."

Toxins are an unavoidable part of our lives. But, IMO, the wisest course of action is to choose the least toxic options when presented with a variety of choices. Toxicology and pathology go hand in hand. Pathology can take decades to manifest itself. The incremental accumulation of toxins can suddenly appear as pathology when yesterday no signs or symptoms of pathology were apparent.

Making wise lifestyle choices is critical in helping protect ourselves from the possibility of a pathological outcome. This means if we have the choice to smoke or not to smoke the wise choice is not to smoke. If we have the choice to drink moderately or heavily the wise choice is to drink moderately. If we have the choice to have non-toxic dental work or toxic dental work the wise choice is to choose non-toxic dental work. If we have the choice to purchase potentially toxic products or non-toxic ones the wise choice is to choose non-toxic ones.
I've heard the 1M & 3M ICs.

In many ways the most musically invovling sound I've ever heard from a cable.

But when I found out their prices, I sent them back. I don't believe any company can survive at those price points, especially the speaker cables.
Jim (Hornguys), the products speak for themselves. That I've sold quite a few, including several sets of speaker cables, demonstrates that some feel they are well worth it. You'll be hearing a lot more from Teo Audio.
Hornguys, your post raises some questions.

- Specifically, what model(s) of cables did you audition? Were they the current Mk II version, which are a substantial improvement over Mk I? Teo Audio has offered free upgrades of Mk I cables for my customers -- try getting that from other manufacturers.

- For what length of time did you audition them? Did you order them from Teo Audio, or did someone send them to you to try, since you said "I sent them back"?

Since you didn't audition the speaker cables I don't know how you can comment on their value. Further, there are other cables out there in the same price range.

Not long ago you posted to this thread, in which you also praised the cables' performance.

Brian Walsh
You're right - I have no business commenting on the speaker cables which I never heard.

I did have the latest XLR ICs.

It's only my personal opinion that they cannot survive at these price points without a more compelling story that reaches many more prospective buyers.

But it's just opinion - based only from my experience - not from any inside knowledge.

I found myself wishing they would license the technology to one of the better known cable manufactures with greater economies of scale, but I guess the "not invented here" thinking prevents that.