Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade

All things being equal, which cable upgrade would have the greatest sonic impact/improvement on a high end audio (stereo) system?
1)Power cables
2)Speaker cables
I have heard that power cables have the greatest benefit due to their ability to reduce RFI (radio frequency interference).
Does anyone know the answer to this question?
The usual "does he or doesn't he" contest. The same old argument: listening experience VS double blind 'scientific'..
Who cares?
And I agree the Op was trolling. If he already HAS his mind made up, the way the question was posed is just trolling. IF he asked it a different way, where he asked WHY folks use aftermarket cords.. well.
And I am CERTAIN the Op can use the cheapest functioning wires and be happy, after all, it seems clear he believes all wires are the same.
Here is great info on the topic. google>

Roger Russell

Speaker Wire "A History"
Jeez... i am a convert. After reading one guys take on wire, (who happens to be pushing wire is wire, pretty hard) I realize I have been mistaken! I will throw out all that 'smoke and mirror' wire I own and go directly to Radio Shack and buy the cheapest stuff, and go to Menards and buy some zip cord.. after all, if that dude who is a real live 'guru' says it is all crap.. who am I to doubt?
No kidding.. or am I kidding? I am kidding. No.. I am NOT kidding about not kidding.. I am, am not kidding about kidding about kidding. Got it?
Who to believe?? I am sooooo nervous.. One GURU says this, the other says the OPPOSITE!.. Jeez I'm sweating.. maybe i should just rest a bit... Trust my own ears.. yeah.. my own ears!
Whoo Hoo!!!
You seem to be very angry and agitated. No one is critcizing you. No one is attacking wires. This happens to be a controversial and interesting topic. I intend to do my own power cable evaluation within the next couple of weeks. I may or may not notice a difference. If I feel they help improve the sound of my system, of course I will buy them. I don't know what you mean by trolling. I am just trying to share some of my thoughts with other high end audio enthusiasts and wondering how they feel about these issues. If I was absolutely certain about any of these topics, I wouldn't waste my time discussing them here and I wouldn't bother with auditioning high end power cables. Your opinion is loud and clear, and I appreciate that.
Angry and agitated.. Nope, more like ROFLMAO.
Sorry if I confused you. I have a bizarre sense of humour.
And Your position is OK. I have to say trying stuff for oneself is really the answer. i did not believe in power cords (and would still NEVER spend a lot on one cord) but trying a Pangea when they came out, i WAS able to immediately hear a difference between the Pangea and my Asylum design cord.
So good luck on experimenting with some cords. Either way.. good luck.