Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade

All things being equal, which cable upgrade would have the greatest sonic impact/improvement on a high end audio (stereo) system?
1)Power cables
2)Speaker cables
I have heard that power cables have the greatest benefit due to their ability to reduce RFI (radio frequency interference).
Does anyone know the answer to this question?
My take on that 50/50. It is NOT because of experience. Some have tried and do it, the rest (mostly) refuse to try it for theory sake, but then the ones who HAVE tried and say "See, I told you they don't make a difference" maybe THEY are the ones with a placebo effect. They refuse to accept what they hear?
So when the going gets tough.. all you can do is try for yourself and decide, for yourself. Listening to idiots arguing etenally is NOT gonna get YOU an answer. ONLY doing it FOR YOURSELF will get you an answer.
The premise of this notion can be refuted: such as: Do you HAVE to jump off a cliff to KNOW it is a bad idea?
So your dilemma is YOUR dilemma: jump or swim?
I think almost everyone who bothers to get involved in the Audiogon forum is an experienced hi end audio lover. Why else would they be here? Most of us in this forum are at least fairly experiemced in hi end audio. We are all here because it is fun. I completely agree, you must make up your own mind, you must please yourself. Above all else, in hi end audio, this concept is most important. But, there are a lot of tricks amd lots to learn in this great hobby. I have been buying hi end audio equipment for over 30 years. I love the music, I love great sound, I love great equipment. The learning never stops. For me, the upgrades have been gradual and continuous. We can learn from each other. If I can pick up one or two ideas to help improve my system through these forums, that would be great. If I can help others, that would be nice as well. Most importantly, this is fun. This is my hobby, I do not make a living with high end audio. I feel fortunate that I am able to buy what I want when I want it. That wasn't always the case. When I started out, every penny counted. So I know what it is like to squueeze every cent for the best sound reproduction possible. Like everyone else in this forum, I am looking for ways to improve the sound of my system, and maybe share my knowledge and ideas with others as well.
Regarding Placebo, we all need to know that it exists, it is real; that ia all. Psycho-acoustics is a strange thing. Your mind can play tricks on you, especially with subtle audio 'changes'. This is real and it is never discussed in any of the audio magazines. If you need to strain to hear a change, it may not be a change (or a significantly improved change) after all. Very interesting.
Thank you for your opinions/advice!
(to twist this thread sideways): yeah, that 'strain to hear a change' is why I dispise the claims of 'break in'. Yeah break in occurs. It just should not be listening to crap for 300 hours or so. I am 100% if it does not sound good straight up, forget it. The improvement with break in should only be like icing on a cake, and not like some marvelous change from crap to wonderful.
I would NEVER put up with the bad sound some folks say stuff has when new. My rant is that the process may just as well be getting used to the bad and hypnotizing oneself into accepting it.
I usually therefor make an opinion immediately on hearing something, and then see if it changes over a (relatively) short time.
(I did break my own rule about the 7 meter Hero balancedcable i use now. At first it was bad. But I trusted i could return it if it did not improve in a few days.. it did. so much for my sticking to my guns..hey)
Anyway, enough off topic!
Hi Elizabeth,
You just touched on another major controversial topic in our great hobby. 'Break in'. Breakin of cable, amps, pre-amps, CD palyers, etc., is it real, placebo, or is it a miyth? My Esoteric K01 sounded great, brand nes, cold, right out of the box. I have been told that the K01 will benefit form 500 hours of break-in. I have been using the IsoTek/Esoteric break-in disc for 4 weeks. I have used the Purist audio break-in disc for many years off and on. Does it make a difference? In all honesty I am not sure that I can detect a difference. As a rule of thumb, when I say that I am uncertain if it makes a difference, it is minimally consequential and possibly unconsequential. If it helps it is extremely subtle and gradual. Is it placebo or is it real? I am uncertain. I feel warm up for 30 to 60 minutes helps a lot, especially with amps/pre-amps (I have a lot of Krell equipment), I am not sure if break-in (500 hours)truly improves sound significantly (to my ears therefore it is inconsequential). I know Isotek, Purist audio, Esoteric, many other companies and many reviewers feel break-in makes a significant improvement. Although I have tried very hard to understand and detect a difference with extended break-in, in all honesty, don't know if I can detect an improvement. This issue is a controversial, subjective and very difficult to prove. It would be an interesting thread topic. Personally, I don;t worry about it. I do use break-in discs but I am uncertain if they help to improve sound significanbtly.
P.S. Elizabeth,
I agree with you, if it doen't sound to your liking right away (or within a few hours), it will never sound good; get rid of it.