Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade

All things being equal, which cable upgrade would have the greatest sonic impact/improvement on a high end audio (stereo) system?
1)Power cables
2)Speaker cables
I have heard that power cables have the greatest benefit due to their ability to reduce RFI (radio frequency interference).
Does anyone know the answer to this question?
Matjet quote:

"How do you know that the improved sound that you perceive by installing the beautifully crafted, expensive, highly regarded after market brand name power cable is not psychological (placebo) unless you can identify it blindly?

I find testing/comparing speaker cable a pain in the neck. Lots of disconnecting, reconnecting, moving things, it is an effort. Testing power cables is less work, much easier to switch. I will do some testing within the next couple of weeks."

this is why I suggested the recording option in my earlier post here on 01_22.
I believe Wireworld produced a cable comparison cd around 8 years ago.

But I wonder why this method has not been tried since ,either by another cable company or by a member here who has the suitable equipment.
If the differences are real ( which I tend to believe are) wouldn't it be heard on such a recording?
I don't understand how your cd comparison works. Please describe it step by step.
you don,t get it do you? i can hear. you must let the power cord have some energy thru it for a while for it to settle in. this makes a/bs virtually impossible. if you can't hear a difference then that is your problem. a/bs have been discredited anyway because the initial brighter sound may be more impressive at the beginning but after a while may not be what an improvement at all. this is why people that know what good sound is do not do a/bs. they listen for a few days and understand and comprehend what they are sensing. yes,,sensing. as in hearing. try for liking a cable because it is attractive and expensive you need to try some various products out there. some of the best sounding are not jewlery for your system.
Matjet, All I'm suggesting ( and it only an idea that came to me recently....could be a terrible idea!)
is to place a mic in front of a real high end full range system and record with a suitable digital recorder a number of music tracks with the whole system wired up with ...say a loom of the 'pro' grade cables ...the type that the cable skeptics say are more than good enough (Belden for example.)
Then without changing anything,,mic position volume settings etc, replace all cables with say a real high end loom, something like Nordost Odin for example.
Then record same tracks. Then burn onto a cd, so track 1 is with beldens followed immediately with track 1 with Odins .
Then you can sit back in comfort and listen to the cd without worrying about all the things cable skeptics say will influence you're hearing.... Blood pressure changes due to changing the cables!. Time delay due to changing cables etc , etc.
and hopefully be able to form an opinion as to wether you can hear a difference and if it's an improvement and worthwhile or not.
Is only an idea but surly worth a try by somebody?