Monster Cable

Hello all.

Anyone using/tried/heard/prefer Monster's Sigma line of speaker cables and interconnects.
I would like to hear some of your opinions, comparisons, complaints, accolades, etc.

In specific, I'm talking between Monster's original Sigma ME2 compared to the newer Retrio Gold.

Thank you in advance.
Monster Cable is still in the doghouse IMO.
After the horrendous lawsuites initiated by Monster Cable Inc over small non-audio companies using "Monster' in thier name (even a miniature GOLF COURSE!!), and the problems for honest, decent folks Monster Cable caused those folks. No one should be buying Monster Cable products at all.
IF Monster Cable would step up, and apologize for it's rotten behavior, AND pay back those folks for all the grief Monster caused them, i would say they paid thier dues.
As it is, I will NEVER consider a Monster product again.
(I do own a Monster 7000SS power conditioner, but no longer use it.)
And hopefully, the loss of sales Monster HAS seen from the falloout over those lawsuits will make other lawsuit happy companies see the downside of getting litigation happy.
All right then...
Didn't help with the comparisons between the Sigma cables though.

Debated whether or not to ask this question solely because it's Monster cable. Didn't want this to end up a Monster bashing thread.
Was just looking for some honest feedback from those that have first hand experience between the two Sigma line of cables.

Then bam, the first response.
Sorry! I hear the word "Monster" and autiomatically i think "Bad business".. in several senses.
Again, i apologize.
No worries.
An honest and sincere response to a question.
No need to apologize... I did not take any personal offense regarding your feelings toward Monster products.