Monster Cable

Hello all.

Anyone using/tried/heard/prefer Monster's Sigma line of speaker cables and interconnects.
I would like to hear some of your opinions, comparisons, complaints, accolades, etc.

In specific, I'm talking between Monster's original Sigma ME2 compared to the newer Retrio Gold.

Thank you in advance.
off the topic a bit here. I tried Acoustic Research Pro II RCA. After that my Kimber Hero, LAT, Cardass and whole bunch others just go to a secondary system. Best part is that it cost my $4.99 from Ebay. New from part express is $20. !!!!Save your money.!!!!!
Monster Cable reminds me of Bose...that is...they are both consumer driven rather than audiophile driven.
Is there anybody who has experience with these 2 cables that can provide a comparison? Preference? Difference?

Do appreciate the comments.
All seem to be honest opinions.

Sure would like to hear from those that have had experience with both Sigma cables.
Please don't be shy if you feel you may be the lone stranger.

I have both and would like to hear from others.

Thanks again all...
Monster=Bose, spend your money elsewhere. BTW I often wondered why Monster didn't sue the Boston Redsox for their
"Green Monster" wall in left field.
I discovered the following on the audioholics site:
An extremely thought-provoking letter, actually, which calls out Monster's alleged shakedown practices and raises some very significant philosophical questions about the promiscuousness of our legal system.