Synergistic Research Tesla Plex SE V Furutech GTX

Anyone A/B'd recepticals between the Synergistic Research Tesla Plex SE and the new Furutech GTX-D(R)?.

Thoughts on individual also appriciated.

Thanks in advance.
Sabai..... I was also using the Tesla Plex SE for my dedicated spurs going into the Powercell 10-SE Mk-2 so I know what I'm hearing. Have you tried the Furutech GTX-D (R) to have made that staement?

sabi, I recall you only installed your dedicated lines not so long ago then came the Powecell 10SE. What were you using before that and what other recepticles have your tried in the past and current besides the Tesla Plex SE?.

Flashunlock, I have not used any other wall receptacles except the stock wall receptacle I was using before. I now use a Tesla Plex SE, then a Tesla Plex in series, then an SR PowerCell 10SE in series. There are 2 PCs in series, as well, in this configuration.
Sabai Thanks. I've also tried your config in the past and the sound is some what worse than with just one recepticale from the clean line then direct to the powercell. Ive used 2 x Plex-se. Ultimately you are adding more contacts into the chain and that degrades the signal/ current IMO.
I am bout to purchase a Furutech, based on an article on HPsoundings in which Joey Weiss attributes the improvement in the Silver Circle to the Furutech GTX-D outlets.

And not to take the thread in another direction, but I have just realized by plugging a fan into the Tesla Plex SE outlet that I had my CD player on, that the CD player is probably not breaking in the outlet into which I have it plugged. I put the CD player on the upper duplex outlets of the PS Audio Power Plant and plugged the fan into the outlet the CD player was previously plugged into, left it for an hour, and am listening to it now. The difference in just one hour with the fan plugged in is rather startling. Listening to a Duke Ellington CD, The Far East Suite, I had thought the CD pretty poor: the dynamics sounded very un-Dukelike: dry, with not much "jump" in the brass or saxophone. Until I plugged the fan into the outlet, that is. I was surprised, thinking that using one of the duplex outlets would break in both of them. WRONG!! It is so much fuller now that the it's easier to distinguish the individual brass in a section.
Is this something others have noticed?
In any case, time to pull out the fans and stick them on both outlets, so they both break in (as one outlet is the preamp, and the other is the CD player). Should be interesting to hear them in the morning after giving them 8 hours of break-in. And I'll have to do the same with the Furutechs.