Signature Anti-Cables

Paul has a new top of the line Signature series. Has anyone tried them and compared them to their regular cables?
I do not see any such cable advertised on his web site. Are you sure you are not confusing these with the J.W. Audio Signature cables?
I am not sure if I have what you are talking about, but I have two pair of the RCA silver reference interconnects with the silver Eichmann plugs. I fond them to out perform the regular XLR anti-cables they replaced. It is a little hard to comment on the sound differences very accurately due to the change from balance to single ended. The new RCA cables are better in every way; more focused, extended better imaging and all while preserving more harmonic richness. I don't go through a lot of gear so I don't know how they compare to other cables other then AQ Cheetahs where I liked the reference ant-cables better. Lastly, in my system XLR does sound better then RCA so the fact that the new cables sound better then the old ones using the superior connections is even more significant.