How to fight dirty power - I need your help

My system is AMC CD8B-Zucable Oxyfuel-CREEK-OHM12-Zucable Disco-Odyssey Stratos-Groneberg Quattro Reference-Migrage OM-10. My amp is directly plugged into a FIM outlet in the wall. The other component went through a Monster HTS2000. The voltage in my house is relatively high, usually in the range of 126-130V. The sound from my system is sometimes very good, but sometimes, especially in the evening, is tasteless. I believe the main reason is dirty power and high voltage. I’m trying to figure out an inexpensive way to fight the power problems. I don’t want to spend $1000-2000 to buy a power regulator. I’m thinking variac, but heard different opinions. I guess the result to some degree is system dependent. Now I need to figure out what is the key component that lowered sound quality when voltage is high or the power supply is dirty-CD player? Amp? What is the best way to solve the problem?
Q: "What is the best way to solve the problem?"

A: No such answer, except for having your own generator...

It takes several tools and approaches to tackle noise.

I would buy a used little ONEAC isolation transformer (2 amp) from eBay and plug your CDP to it. Then I'd plug the transformer to the Monster. I would get a Highwire Wirewrap and attach it to the power cord of your Monster. I learned this from Bluenose, who also has a Monster 2000. The Wirewrap will smoothen and ease the musical presentation by removing HF grunge. You can also get a second Wirewrap for your power amp.

Isolation transformers are cheap in eBay. You can get a large one (at least 4 times your power amp's RMS) to plug the amp to. Take this from someone who uses SIX transformers in his audio/2 channel HT plus a Tice A/V Solo. The biggest one is 3,000 W (220V in / 110 V out).

Another route is to buy a De Zorel line filter ( They are not power constricted unlike conventional designs and run for about $349 (entry level)to about $1200.
I went the other route. I generate my own power. I use battery power supply whenever possible. My turntable and power amp are supplied by battery. I am working on converting my preamp to battery power supply. My MC step-up is a passive transformer and doesn't require power. If you want clean power, this is the cleanest of clean. Sonics are greatly improved with battery power. I use my solar power generation to keep the batteries charged between use. For the remaining AC powered items(CD player and TV), I use a Studer Perfect Sine Wave power inverter. No noise. Oh, and by the way, I spent no more than many people who have shelled out big bucks for fancy power conditioners and high end power cables. I also like the added benefit of not having a power bill to pay every month. And I never have a power failure or a lightning strike come in through the power lines. Not bad. I like it.
A Blue Circle BC86 Noise Hound Parallel filter for $100 does a great job of cleaning the power going into your system. Two BC86 are even better and what I recommend if you can swing the $200. Being a parallel filter, it does not get in the way of the power flow.