power cable length importance

is it true that a 2 meter power cord length is recomended to have the best possible filtration?
The length of the cable matters only if you are the size of an electron being whipped about in nano space.In short no one who is a human being can hear any difference.Sorry to dispel your mythos but thats life kiddo.
I suggest, kiddo, you replace your interconnects and speaker cables with something more appropriate for an audiophile system. And if you cannot hear a difference - that's tough.
That electric travels about 3100 mile per 1000 ms. Just think how many trips it made through the power utility power transformer, the neighbors wiring, and appliances, who knows what else, in about 1000ms. Hmmm...
ALL those things does not matter Hifihvn! I have a dedicated hifi socket with a special AWG14 hifi power cable (shielded, stranded) routed - total 60 feet! And I have ordinary socket nearby, same AWG14, good old solid copper wire - exept that there always better voltage in a dedicated socket, there is no difference in sound! But when I compare various additional hifi ccables, its easy to see that they all sound different, and have own characters! Good, old true - LAST METER COUNTS MOST. WHY, I HAVE NO IDEA!
Skip the trash talk. I personally think 2 meters is ideal.
One point is 2 meters will cover reusing the powercord nearly forever.
Nothing worse than a cord of any type which is a few inches too short when you swap your stuff around in a few years...
I do even have a bunch of four meter powercords. And glad i have them
For some really heavy thick powercords like Pangea, the AC-9 just will not twist (around axis) well under two meters.
They can bend in a six inch radius, but will not twist. Just something about how they are made

And yeah if you are interested in a powercable for some 'effect', I would say two meters is a great length.