Speaker cable recommendations please

Starting to think about what will replace my AQ Rockefellers. I feel like these are now possibly my weakest link.

Amplifier is the Ayre AX-7e, speakers are Amphion Argon.

I guess I like what many others do: excellent detail retrieval, tight punchy bass, realistic mids on the warm-ish side, non-fatiguing highs. Overall I prefer clarity/neutrality/detail over warmth.

Budget would be up to 1000, for used.

At some point I may give the anti-cables a trial run, just to gauge the hype. I don't see how these wouldn't be a downgrade though given the cost difference against what I have now. Who knows....?
How about the 12 gauge Monster cables you can buy in a roll of 100' at Radio Shack with some gold inter connectors? ..no good?
I've been using the Acoustic Zen Satori shotgun for a long time and after comparing to others I think they exhibit a lot of the qualities you're looking for. Best of luck.
I'm not familiar with your speakers, but I would think the Alpha-Core Goertz AG or MI 1 series would work well with your Ayre. Alpha-Core offers a generous free trial, do ask about their RC networks.
I will sound a little air headed here but I wanted to respond Dfgkali. I changed speakers out a year ago and have been trying to fine tune them. I took out my Audio Magic Sceptor stranded silver cables and thought I would try some ht cables I had, Monster XP-HP. In my system (Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grands, Moon D100 dac, Marantz 6050 transport, Sumo Polaris amp, Van Den Hul ic's, Lightspeed) , and I felt they were a lot better in this context. I was actually pleasantly surprised. I think I might be able to do better but I am not sure much, if any. I am thinking of trying Analysis Plus cables.
If you are already using AQ try the Oak. It is as you describe in your "wants" charactoristics, neutral, detailed, etc. Disclaimer, I have a pair for sale, but will continue to recommend them in the future.