Speaker cable recommendations please

Starting to think about what will replace my AQ Rockefellers. I feel like these are now possibly my weakest link.

Amplifier is the Ayre AX-7e, speakers are Amphion Argon.

I guess I like what many others do: excellent detail retrieval, tight punchy bass, realistic mids on the warm-ish side, non-fatiguing highs. Overall I prefer clarity/neutrality/detail over warmth.

Budget would be up to 1000, for used.

At some point I may give the anti-cables a trial run, just to gauge the hype. I don't see how these wouldn't be a downgrade though given the cost difference against what I have now. Who knows....?
I disagree, frankly, but I also believe that using metaphor is often more descriptive than a pure descriptive. When one reaches an epiphany it changes that person's perspective on things. While for some it might not seem that their life has changed, for others it is more obvious. Tpreaves, it sounds like you are a naysayer of the difference cables can make in a system. Whether true or not, I can identify with that thinking, because until I got my Clear Day double shotgun cables I really didn't believe that cables made much difference. I have tried four other speaker cables and have noticed only minor improvements, but their cost was very high. In fact, their price far outweighed their benefits, so I returned them to the dealer I borrowed them from and continued my search. Then I discovered Clear Day on this site and was blown away by them. I was and am a skeptic of the audio snake oil market, especially when it comes to multi-hundred dollar tweaks like turtlewood cable risers and carbon fiber hockey pucks to put under your equipment. Some may find these items to alter their understanding of what great sound is but I refuse to believe that they can help.
I believe cables make a difference Snack, I've proved it to myself. I was just curious as to the "these cables changed my life" statement, that's all. I'm happy for you that something so simple has brought you so much joy.
Joncourage, depending on budget, the Supra's that you mention in your other thread are very good for the money. If you are interested in a cable that is quicker and more able to support future upgrades upstream, then I would recommend some of the Nordost cables. Starting with the new Red dawn line and going up the line to Valhalla, these are some of the best cables that I have heard. Unlike the other posters on the Supra thread, the only suggestion I would have is to maybe listen to these yourself and see what you think. Your impression of how the cable works in your system is all that matters.
There are no absolutes in our hobby, it's whatever works best for you and you alone.
Thanks Davey.

Yeah, I realize system synergy and subjective preference are significant determinants.

Thanks for your recommendations.

I'm definitely not stuck on Supra (or anything else). Just trying to figure out what others like and think could be worth trying.

I can probably afford up to about the Frey, maybe Tyr, if second-hand.

Guess in the end I really have to figure out how to get trials so I can listen for myself, or just resign myself to cycling through purchases.

So the exercise probably boils down to creating my short list. Which at this point seems to include - Nordost, Synergistic, Clear Day, Audience.
I have the same Ayre AX-7e but with PSB Sync 1s, just ordered a used set of Morrow SP3s --- as much as I have researched an excellent cable from a great company -- at a great used price (and already broken in!)will have them in a few days and let you know how they sound.