Lamm ML 1 best power cable

I have a set of Lamm Ml 1 on the way to me and would like to get an opion of anyone useing Lamm amps what they have found to be the best power cable and what they have used in the past. Thanks
Do you mean the hybrid M1 or the tube ML2 or ML3?
Personally I use Stealth Dream with M2.2 hybrid monoblocks.
I have been slowly replacing Synergistic Research cables with Stealth over the past few years. I also tried Shunyata, Elrod, JPS, Acoustic Zen and Purist along the way. However, I tried power cables mostly from the wall to power conditioner for pre amp/sources or on CD player as I could not get 2 cables to try on power amps together except for Stealth. Anyway, in a round about way, I eventually ended up with Stealth. Probably best to try them out yourselves though as most of these cables perform very well but it just depends on your taste and personal preference as well.
1. Can you be specific about the weaknesses you thought the Elrod revealed in the LessLoss DFPC.
2. Was the LessLoss DFPC a Signature or an Original?
3. On which component did you use the Elrod and the LessLoss DFPC?

I doubt there is a best one. Lamm aren't very sensitive to PC's. I use Oyaide Tunami for my ML2.1, M1.2R, LL2.1, Signalcable offers some very interesting PC's, silver with Furutech, one of my audiophile friends used Nordost Odin with his ML3's and when he sold the Odins, it was also ok :-)