Power Cord Recommendation for Bryston 4B SST2

I wondering if anyone can share what power cables they've had success pairing with a Bryston 4B SST or SST2. I've tried a few different - Signal Cable, Harmonic Tech, and Audio Sensibility. Each is fairy good with different strengths - with the Audio Sensibility "statement" being the best overall so far. I'm looking to spend from $100-500 and comfortable purchasing new or used. Any recommendations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help,

I could be wrong, but I though Bryston suggests not using aftermarket cords.
I think they recommend not using a power conditioner. They did not mention power cords.
I have the Bryston 4BSST2 and use a PS Audio Perfectwave AC-5 on it with with very good results.
I use a Pangea AC-9 powercord, via a Furman REF20i powerconditioner on my Bryston 4B-SST2 amp.
And Bryston certainly does suggest using thier in-house TORUS power conditioners with Bryston amps.
Maybe if they made an aftermarket powercord, they would suggest that too.