New Virus starting to run wild

They were addressed as "Happy New Year" and contained the following virus: W32.Maldal.C@mm

Be alert, as i typically see virus' at the very beginning of when they start to REALLY get into circulation. I know that this one has been floating around for about a week now, but receiving four of them in one day tells me that Maldal is now "on the loose".

You might want to drop by the link below. It is Symantec / Norton and fills you in on the various virus' that they have recently detected. If you have a virus scanner, you REALLY do need to update it QUITE often. It almost seems as if there are new virus' every two or three days now. Updating your version of "Windows" on a regular basis is also HIGHLY recommended.

If you don't have a virus scanner, you can look at the most recent batch of released information every once in a while under their individual names. In the section labeled "distribution", you can find out the BASIC name that is typically shown in the Email subject line. Keep in mind that some of these virus actually "morph" as they evolve and can change things to better hide themselves. This will at least tell you what to avoid and make you more aware of what is currently circulating. The bottom line is that you HAVE to be cautious nowadays.
From doing a little research since i've gone to using XP, it appears as if Windows 2000 is the fastest and most reliable version yet. I guess it has problems with some DOS based programs though, so it may not be universal for all applications. For those not using DOS and wanting to stick with a Windows based system, it is probably the best way to go. That is what i'll be installing on this one and several other puters. Sean
Testing XP right now, the Prof and the home version. Seem more stable than any other forms of Windows I had. Maybe puters are like stereo. So many opinions as there are systems.
XP just MIGHT be more stable in the long run, but it is also slower than 2000 no matter what you do to it. I had a link to a website that did a very in-depth comparison between those two using several different computers, etc... Even under optimum conditions, the VERY BEST that XP was able to do was to run 89% as fast as Windows 2000 did. The more windows that you had running at the same time ( multi-tasking ), the bigger the difference in speed. At one point, XP literally took twice as long to process the same amount of information. As for me, i didnt buy a faster computer to load it up with a slower operating system. Sean
Sean, as usual you make sense. It IS slower, both versions of it, but then its only cars and transients I really like fast. (-: Detlof