Lessloss DFPC Signature VS Sablon Gran Carona

Hello all,
I'm very interested in these 2 Pc's. From reviews they seem to suit my sound preferences. My only hesitation with the Sablon's is their sheer size.
Any thoughts?
I have both the LL signatures and the Sablon Gran Coronas. IMS/IMO the difference between the two is not even close. I have tried both in several of my systems and consistently the GCs out- perform the LL sigs (audio and video). The GCs have replaced my previous reference pc, Elrod Statements ( at a fraction of the cost and heft.) I am not impressed at all with the LL ( I paid too much to the many positive reviews rather than listen for myself.)

my less than 2 cents
Rgwrjs If you have heard the Robusto's, did you hear a lot of difference between them and the Gran Corona. Mark lent me a Uber Robusto, the prototype of the Gran Corona and I have to say I did'nt hear an enormous difference. I am interested in other peoples views on this.
Contact Mark and ask him if you can audition his cord. Demo cords were making the rounds not long ago. I have owned the Lessloss original. Yes the GC is a mighty beast which no doubt has much to do with it's greatness. It has yet to pull my pre amp off of it's shelf.
I did not hear the Robusto. I demo'ed the GC at my home and compared to my existing array of pcs (Elrod sig and statements, LL signatures, various Shunyatas,etc.). I really like the GC, and it was re-statement of the audiophile axiom, "there is always better".
I haven't tried the Lessloss, but FWIW the Sablon Uber Robusto ate my Shunyata Black Mamba CX for breakfast. I mean not even close. Far blacker background and taut, textured bass to die for. It likewise trounced a Cardas Golden Reference. Can't imagine buying anything else at that price point.