Lessloss DFPC Signature VS Sablon Gran Carona

Hello all,
I'm very interested in these 2 Pc's. From reviews they seem to suit my sound preferences. My only hesitation with the Sablon's is their sheer size.
Any thoughts?
I own 3 LessLoss Signatures. If you're worried about "sheer size," the LessLoss can be had in various lengths and they're also very light and flexible. So if you ever had sensitive footers, you shouldn't have to worry about whether that important balance will be compromised. Apart from that, the DFPC provides an immediately (within a few seconds) obvious improvement on the audio event. Without a doubt, the Signatures can make a huge improvement.

I found their website very informative, too, to understand how the DFPC is such an effective power cord. (www.lessloss.com). Hope this helps.
Hi G,
I compared both of those cords on my highly modded Marantz sa7s1.
I liked the gran corona better on my SACD and sold the LL, YMMV.
It was a few years ago so honestly don't remember all the improvements, but tonality was better. It didn't blow the LL away both are very good cords.
Hi Cfluxa

How did the robusto trounce the Cardas Golden Reference? In what ways was it better? I am using a Golden Reference to a CD transport and am considering a Robusto.
