Great Cables ... That Get Little Attention

I have had the HiDiamond XLR 2 interconnects in my system for 2 days. They are simply stunning. I have never heard any other interconnects that do what the HiDiamonds do to bring the emotion and aliveness into my system -- or any other system I have ever auditioned over the years. Words cannot do justice to these interconnects -- right out of the box without break-in.

HiDiamond is a company that gets little attention. They are an Italian company so this is understandable. Have you had a similar experience with unsung cables from an obscure company?

Please note I am not in the audio business and have no association with any audio company -- other than being a customer.
I second Sgr's suggestion of the excellent cables from Signal Cables. I have Signal cables all throughout the system. I have Silver Resolution ICs and Speaker cables. Also have Frank's HDMIs, though I am not a TV guy, it is for my family.The only negative I can say about Signal cables are their prices - people probably discount them because they are affordable compared to cables costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Also like Sgr, I found Herebie Audio Lab's products a great value. I have the extra thick Hush Puckies in my system. Sgr has expensive components in both his systems and yet recommends very affordable accessories. I sense genuine recommendation here, for both the cables and other accessories.

Here is the link to Signal Cable:
Musically inclined,
The phone number is (917) 957-8508.
The web site is

Ask for Frank. It might take him a couple of hours for him to get back to you as he is a one man show.

I'm sure you'll be impressed with Frank, the cable's construction, and the sound of the cables.
He has the usual 30 day audition.
Remember get the Ultra copper speaker cables and the Silver Resolution interconnects.
Have fun and good listening.
To Musicallyinclined,
We currently have Oasis Audio on Queen Street selling HiDiamond cables in the Toronto/GTA area and we believe that by attending the audio shows we are promoting HiDiamond Cables. Establishing stores in Ontario will not take very long and once a store is established we never sell directly to the client that lives in that stores area. We currently have a banner ad running on Audiogon that has over 40000 hits but truthfully I have never been able to locate the banner. There are also 2 North American reviews that will be published in the next 4 months and as HiDiamond attends the North American audio shows it will gain more name recognition; this will help also establish more retail outlets in North America. I should have made myself clearer; we are trying to establish quality retail outlets in the US. It is extremely important to us that this fine European cable is being sold in stores that take care of their customers. Our thoughts with this post was to see if certain stores in the US received more than one positive recommendation from people like you; then we would contact that store. We are looking for stores that take care of their clients like Tailored Technology in California.
Have to concur that the Signal Cables are a tremendous value. Both the IC's and the SC's are both very nicely voiced, very musical and very well made. Highly recommended. And yes, the owner, Frank, is a most wonderful guy.

Another cable which I have a great deal of respect for is the Clarity Cable line of cables. Chris Owen,the chief cook and bottle washer,is just a hoot,has an absolutely great ear and is real passionate about music.His cables are flat out killer.

Thanks Taras,
I will look into the Signal Cables as Many of you seem to agree on that particular brand!
Might pass by Oasis Audio to take a peek at the HiDiamond to. Many interesting choices on this forum have me itching to try something new (and improved!)