The above companies offer inexpensive speaker cables, especially Paul Speltz's compamy ANTI-CABLE, Has anyone tried one or both of these speaker cables??? I am always suspicious of claims of outperforming speaker cables costing 5 to 10 times more.

I just sold Acoustic Zen Hologram 2 speaker cable because it is too awkward, and easy to trip over. Need some feedback about the above inexpensive cables. Thank you
Anti-cables are excellent.I also like the Audio Arts.I have both now in my system.Can't go wrong with either,good luck,Bob
Be advised (in case you don't know) that Anti-Cables are basically just coated copper wire. They are extremely thin and stiff and should not be scratched at all or the coating will come off. They are not practical for everyone.
Anti-Cables have significantly higher inductance per unit length than most audiophile-oriented cables, especially if the two conductors are not twisted together. That may result in a slight softening (rolloff) of the upper treble, which may or may not be preferable to you. The degree to which that softening occurs will increase if your speakers have a low impedance at high frequencies, and if the cable length is long. Electrostatic speakers, in particular, commonly reach very low impedances at high frequencies.

I suggest that you indicate the kind of speakers you are using, and the length of the cables that will be required, and give greatest weight to comments that are based on similar speakers and similar cable lengths.

-- Al
I have lots of Anti-Cables balanced interconnects and speaker cable I needed longer or shorter lengths in my new home.