The Problem with Synergistic Research

The problem is one that a number of cable makers suffer from. I preface my remarks by noting this not a problem that is exclusive to Synergistic Research. I use SR as an example because I am more familiar with their cables than with the cables of other companies that have the same problem.

The problem is the cost of incremental improvements. SR makes some great products. But, in spite of their copy writing, not all SR products are great, IMO. Some SR products have made great improvements in my system -- like the Tesla SE Hologram D power cord. That having been said, in retrospect, despite the bally-hoo that surrounds SR product launches, most of their products have brought no more than incremental improvements to my system. Products from other cable companies have brought equal or greater improvements for me -- often at much lower cost.

The problem is that SR has such fast-paced marketing with products coming out at a gallop supplanting recently released products -- such as the SR line of PowerCell conditioners -- that I sometimes feel I have been left in the dust.

We cannot stop the relentless march of technology. But at the high price of most of SR's offerings one is often left with sense of being left out instead of left in when new products come on the heels of products one has just purchased. The SR trade-up program does not remedy this problem at all, IMO.

There are many other cable companies without fast-paced marketing that provide equal or better value for the money, IMO. Companies like Bybee, HiDiamond and Cardas. I am probably not the only one who feels as I do about SR and other companies with fast-paced marketing.
Do you guys change your underwear as often as you change cables? (insert silly smiley here)
Sabai, your'e nothing if not consistent...Like I said in the other thread: You always state your OPINION as a matter of fact that applies to all of us!

Now your'e unloading on SR cables....I have NO affiliation with SR cables BUT sure find it interesting to what Ted states above.
If you had the Apex you were at the top of the heap -- before the Element series came out. Is this what you are referring to when you mention upgrades?

I am concerned about SR because I like a lot of their products and I still have a lot of their products in my system. I run HiDiamond in series with SR cables.

Of course these are my opinions. Of course this applies to my system. Does this need to be stated every time I post or every time anyone else posts here? Do we need to walk on egg shells afraid to express our opinions? I think not.

I am not allergic to people with strong opinions. In fact, it was Musicxyz's strong posts about HiDiamond that led me to experiment with them -- and I am very glad I did. Strength of opinion is very important for me to see. It is like a bio-marker for me. This is exactly what I look for because there are so many wishy-washy opinions that reflect nothing important. When someone has a significant experience with an audio product and they express their thoughts and feelings in no uncertain terms, this indicates to me there is something going -- and that something may be worthy of note. IMO.
Sabai, From what I understand of SR upgrade policy you have to buy an item twice as expensive of the item you want to upgrade and then they give you 70% for your old equipment.

In other words, to upgrade to the latest version Mk3 powercell, I would have to buy $10,000 worth of equipment to get $3500 for my SR Powercel 10SE.
This just doesn't make sense.
I can understand how Sabai feels. You want to stay on the leading edge with a product line but can't afford to. I don't blame anyone. We can't always get what we want. Wait a bit and buy used only maybe?