The Problem with Synergistic Research

The problem is one that a number of cable makers suffer from. I preface my remarks by noting this not a problem that is exclusive to Synergistic Research. I use SR as an example because I am more familiar with their cables than with the cables of other companies that have the same problem.

The problem is the cost of incremental improvements. SR makes some great products. But, in spite of their copy writing, not all SR products are great, IMO. Some SR products have made great improvements in my system -- like the Tesla SE Hologram D power cord. That having been said, in retrospect, despite the bally-hoo that surrounds SR product launches, most of their products have brought no more than incremental improvements to my system. Products from other cable companies have brought equal or greater improvements for me -- often at much lower cost.

The problem is that SR has such fast-paced marketing with products coming out at a gallop supplanting recently released products -- such as the SR line of PowerCell conditioners -- that I sometimes feel I have been left in the dust.

We cannot stop the relentless march of technology. But at the high price of most of SR's offerings one is often left with sense of being left out instead of left in when new products come on the heels of products one has just purchased. The SR trade-up program does not remedy this problem at all, IMO.

There are many other cable companies without fast-paced marketing that provide equal or better value for the money, IMO. Companies like Bybee, HiDiamond and Cardas. I am probably not the only one who feels as I do about SR and other companies with fast-paced marketing.
Fplanner2000, both Dev and Ozy plug their 450's direct into wall outlets. Dev has 2 big Torus for his Bryston 28BSST2 but found choking the 450's. You can contact him for more info.

I had a PPP and found it limit dynamics with my old tube mono amps. Just plugging one amp, PPP would heat up and fan screaming. Hope P-10 is better ... not a fan of PS Audio except for the PWD.

The best active conditioner I used is EquiTech 2Q. They also make wall panels that might work for you so check it out. I was considering a wall panel but liking my Weizhi PRS-6s too much.
Thanks Knghifi. Dev will be trying a Burmester piece and will report his results. I am hoping the extensive upgrades made to the P-10 by PS Audio are sufficient to do what I want without noticeably limiting dynamics. If it works, I will use 1 for each amp. One works fine in my office system, which has minimal current requirements, so we'll see. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Thanks again.
The P-10 from PS Audio ACTUALLY WORKED GREAT on 1 VAC 450amp in our testing today.

No dynamic limitations whatsoever - as a matter of fact the sound from the connected speaker sounded both more detailed and musical than the other amp/speaker!! All the other components remained plugged into my Synergistic Powercell.

We also discovered 123.7 amps were being fed to the rest of the system while we were listening. That is exactly why I like the P-10 - I want a steady 120 going to my components, not 115 or 125; plus the surge protection, etc..

I will be ordering a pair of these Monday. The search is over. Tomorrow will try to ascertain how "feeding cable sensitive" the P-10 is. Stay tuned.

I'm very interested in what you find out because, I had a PS Audio PPP but an in-home audition proved to me the Synergistic Research Powercell 10 SE was leaps better all around. I think we both had similar auditions a few years back and that’s why you bought the Powercell. I would recommend that you would try and put your Powercell 10 SE before the P-10’s and plug the P-10’s into your current version of the Powercell 10 SE? I believe Bacardi tried this with his PPP but ended up selling his PPP like I did and just kept the Powercell 10 SE.

Another idea, instead of spending the money for two P-10's. Get a home audition on the NEW Powercell 10 SE Mk.III with the new Element series Copper/Tungsten 32-amp Power Cord. Keep the best sound in your system, which will be either be just the P-10’s or the new Powercell 10 SE Mk.III with upgraded Element Power Cord.

I'm looking forward to your review!!! :-)