Acou Zen vs Anaysis Plus vs Cardas Clear Sp. Cable

My system is an Egglestonworks 7.1 with Andra lls up front which have Esotar tweeters and Dynaudio 12" woofers. May go with McIntosh amps to warm things up a bit. Using JPS PC and interconnects. My room is fully treated. I am using a Lexicon processor.

I want a speaker wire that will be very smooth with non-fatiguing highs with midrange that lets dialogue be clear and understandable at moderately low volumes. A nice big 3 dimensional soundstage for movies. These traits have been brought to my system by JPS Aluminata PC/interconnects and Super Conductor interconnects, but worried it may be too much of a good thing so want to go with a tad warmer and with a very smooth sounding speaker cable.

My speaker runs for the front 3 channels are long...10' to 24'. In the running: Cardas Clear Sky and Light, Purist Audio Genesis/Museous, Analysis Plus Oval 9, Oval 8 and Acoustic Zen Satori. Oval 8 seems to be getting out of my budget due to the long lengths. The speakers can not be biwired.

I am leaning towards the AP Oval 9 and the AZ Satori. Thoughts on how these two compare and which would be better for my system and goals would be appreciated. Alsofeel free to comment on any other of the speaker cable I have listed. Thanks.
Thank you for the link. I am familiar with that thread and it's very informative. I started this thread to see if anyone has compared the Satori and the Oval 9 since that 2009/2010 thread in a system that was closer to mine.

Pops seems to have a system close to what mine will be so his comment seems encouraging.

One question, is the Satori warmer than neutral or more towards neutral? I see differing opinions on this, but what I see consistently is that the Satori is very smooth.
[Does the AP Oval 9 use teflon as the dielectric?]
Could not confirm if teflon dielectric is used for the cable. Reviewed online brochure for additional details.

[What type of bass does the 9 vs the Satori produce? Is it highly detailed tight and defined or more slam and a bit bloated?]
It provides a bit more slam and more detail from my listening experience. If you’re already worried that 12" driver is too big, bloated, soft, or overly warm, Analysis Plus is probably not your cable.
I use AZ Satori Shotguns and in my high-rez system they do all the things you specify, plus adding a slam and focus to the bottom end like no other I've tried, and I've tried lots of cables. Can't comment on the others, but the AZ are spot on, IMO. You can get used pairs frequently for about half price or less, which makes them a bargain, and if they are not what you're looking for, it makes for an easy resale for little or no loss. They are VERY thick, though.
I used both AZ Satori and AP Oval 9. Actually Satori replaced Oval 9. Satori is much better cable, bigger soundstage, transparent, clear, more detailed, extended treble, more "air". AP just "heavy" sounding.
Thanks for the info Jkuc. Can I ask you did the AZ or the AP have smoother sound (especially treble)? Was one a bit warmer than the other? What speakers did you compare them on? I have sensitive hearing to treble so this becomes part of the equation. I like everything you said about the AZ, except when you say "extended highs"... As long as the highs are super smooth and maybe a touch warmer than neutral.